how not to steal a sidekick


what a fat guy

gonna repost in a bulletin. lol

PWNT. Good luck to the guy.


Kind of an awesome way of revenge

omg lollercoaster

hahaha… thats awesome :tup: serves them right

LOLerskates! Good job to that dude.

I dropped my work phone the other day in a parking lot, went back a halfhour later gone, nobody has contacted any numbers in the phone to try and give it back. Bunch of assholes out there, can’t say i really now how this person feels though.


wow, thats a sweet way to get back. :tup: to THAT guy

It would be even better if he threw a bag of runny poo at her head but its still pretty good.

that’s awesome

bookmarked :slight_smile:

with a title of stolen sidekick and a reply of wow what a fat guy i was picturing some dude who stole a suzuki sidekick but was too fat to get out or somthing lol

Add to favorites…gotta know how this turns out.

Pretty good read, and it has only been up for a few hours.

lol… So I see I’m not the only one checking that site several times per day for updates.

oh this is wayyyyyyyy too good…

reminds me of when i was working at a local grocery store and some guy came and and cashed his check…5 minutes later i noticed a $100 bill on the sidewalk…i returned it know it was the guys money from his paycheck…i could have easily pocketed it and no one would have known…but i returned it and he picked it up the next day and never said thanks to me or left a reward or anything. I was not expecting a reward but a “thank you” would have been appreciated