how not to steal a sidekick

anyone write up cliffnotes? I dont have time to read all that…

Whats so “good” :slight_smile:

Bookmark it and read it later.

it Will be good if NYPD has the time to deal with it

otherwise… meh

the only things i got out of it were that t-mobile and the cops got involved, i just wanna see where that goes

I found an credit/debit card at the gas station once. Looked up the name in the phone book. Called them. Went to take it to them. They gave me $20.

It pays much more to be honest and moral than to be some low-life scum.

Can only hope enough people see this so they starts getting ridiculed as they walk down the street.

Like verizon phones, dont they have the tracking shit so the cops/anybody can locate the phone?

ooh he updated check Check it out

Wow, that took me awhile to read.

Check out the latest update.

The girl was arrested, and they got the sidekick back.


i finally took the link off my favorites cause i was sick of checking it and - Nothing


remind me to never live in NYC for fear of any crime happening where i might need a cop to actually show up and care



lol, I heard this on 1010WINS



that’s awesome.

The mom acts all innocent, like buying a phone for $50 at the subway is legit…

dumb family, deserved every ounce of embarrassment and harrassment.

Maybe next time she’ll go to t-mobile and pay full price…