Things for sale- moving sale

I’m back in town if anyone wants to come grab anything.

That leather chair may not look so great, but it looks comfy as fuck.

It swallows you better than a 2-dollar hooker working for crank with no worries about catching some shit. I invite anyone on the fence about buying it to come sit in it for 5 minutes and then try to walk away without it…

what time you free tomorrow? (after 5pm)

Midnight… unfortunate but true. Tomorrow starts a new 7 day shift week for me where I will be working from 2:30-11:30pm. Gonna be that way Tuesday through Monday. Another unfortunate side-effect of being in the military :frowning:

son of a bitch. so looks like i will have to get to you on my day off on friday.

That works. Just give me a call and plan to be done by around 2:00 so i can get ready for work. :slight_smile:


fuck, forgot about this. whats your schedule for this friday? :lol

I get off work at around 0730 Friday morning and go back to work at 2230 since I am working over night starting tonight and for the next 7 days (nights). Somewhere in there I’ll be sleeping, but I can get up if you want to come by and grab some stuff.

Need a truck corey?

So… Going to get that tv stand CoReY?

Negative dont need it. All yours red


Can you send it again? I didn’t get anything. Thanks

Lol he pmd me instead

haha my bad, clicked the wrong one

PMed correct person…