think about this one ......

Now that someone hits you with True facts you’re trying to call this thread “fun and a joke” :bsflag: well at least now people can really see how uneducated you are.

P.s Admins I really think the thread should be locked, no positivity can come from it.

wow , this was an amail to me. “copy and paste”

in the title does it in anyway say " this is what i belive in " ?


im done posting in this thread lock it up


No one shit in my fruit loops and no where did you caveat that this was a joke.

Farmer is a white supremacist! Let’s hang him on a cross, light it on fire, and stab him with pitch forks!


One day the world will realize that our differences in race, colour and religion will not matter because we will have bigger problems to face other then our differences. One day we will not be fighting each other, instead we will be fighting together for the existance of mankind. We might not see it in our life time, but rest asure unfortunately it will happen.

Our planet is dieing, environmentaly and economicaly and all you people can think about is who is from where and what they believe in and what is the colour of their skin?.. People we have bigger problems to face!

Oh by the way this doesn’t mean I will buy an electric car or put a cat on my 240sx… I know, I know… STFU! …Your just as guilty.

just because you agree with somthing or understand it dosent make you a sheep.

if you couldent tell that this thread wasent serious YOUR obviously a newb.

roast you will be getting a box of tampons in the mail shorty. best of luck.

Agree’ing with something doesn’t justify me calling you a sheep, fine… however, in this case the original author coerced the reader to agree and if you do, then BAAAA…

This email is serious and not a joke. If farmer gave any indication that it was a joke then he should of done that, HE DIDN’T.

There is no room for racism, to many people have lost lives, to many people have been victims of racism… I never want to be a victim and neither do any of you.

Shame on farmer, this should never have been posted. Leaving it open ended could cause irreparable harm.

A good friend of mine was poisoned at work, co-workers put weed killer in his salad dressing and hospitalized him for 1 week. It started with a “joke”, they put a black joke book in the break room and he raised it with the management. Funny, eh?

I will always fight, I never want to see a friend suffer like he did.

Edit: man up farmer, don’t pass this off as “it was a joke”.

i understand and respect what your saying but the fact still remains that he did not post this to make people hate minoritys, even if today there not a minority, more of a majority, hell i can spend whole days driving around doing jobs and not see one white person in toronto, york or scarbrough ect…

but thats besides the point this has gotten out of hand. if you have your own opinion on the subject and read this and suddenly your a neo nazi well hell thats kinda fucked up.

were all responsible adults here (mostly) and if your confortable reading this content and commenting on it more power to you.

long and short of it is that it seems to me like a bunch of 10 yearold boys talking about sex all hush hush and theres always that one person that jumps in and says “hey you guys shouldent talk about that”

so if this thread offended anyone or mis-lead anyone than i belive i speak on everyones behalf when i say im sorry it wasent ment like that.

i also respect that as a administator you have to step in now and again and show everyone where the line is. and thats understandable. and i do feel bad for your friend at work, some do take it a bit far. i thought we were all above that.

so shal we leave it be now that everything is clear and crisp?

This is a long post but read it if you want to… and I’m serious this time… not being sarcastic.

I think it helps if someone that isn’t white chimes into this.

I’m not black but I’m asian.

When I came to Canada when I was 13, I was made fun of because I was asian… this was in elementary school…

Went into highschool and it was the same thing…i got into a lot of fights but thankfully I could hold my ground and never got my ass kicked even though all odds were against me. It kind of stopped by the time I got to Grade 11/12 as people became more mature.

That was a different kind of racism though…it was more of a hate thing than a joke.

Anyways, the point I’m trying to get across is that this email is a different type of racism.

It is not spreading hate but rather, some facts that are meant to “wake” up white people. I highly doubt some white dude is going to read it and then go out and shoot a bunch of black guys.

All of you can deny it if you want…but we are ALL racist whether you like it or not. It is just human nature.

Yeah, we might be more educated but that violence and hatred will always be in us. People deny it because we are a lot more educated today and are taught that racism is wrong.

It’s just like sex…you can grow up in a very sheltered life and taught that sex isn’t good for you but you will still probably have the urges. It’s instinct.

Why do you think there was so much more violence back in the day between different races when people weren’t as educated?

We are all racists. It’s whether or not you are open about it.

I will say that I’m racist and I can be racist at times. Even against my own kind.

But I won’t go out there and kill someone just for their colour.

this thread is still goin on ?