Think your roommate is bad?

It could be worse.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

wow we had some good stories about roomates. glad i live alone at times

I have had worse than some of that.

I had one room mate that was kind bad. He was someone that college had matched me with for off campus housing because I had forgotten to sign up for housing. Some of the highlights include: One night I came home to find that my living room had been turned into a rave. There was techno in the ps1 which provided the psychedelic visual effects to the music. There was a bunch of adults with pacifiers in their mouthes rollin’ on E and dancing. This was back in my drinking days before I quit so I came in slightly drunk and just stood there in the middle of their “rave” and just laughed out loud at them shook my head and went to bed. He also tried his hand at agriculture and attempted to grow pot IN HIS WINDOW. I may not have the best criminal mind in the world but if you are going to do something illegal don’t put it on your window sill in a public apartment complex. Thankfully his farming skills were sub par so it quickly died before I would have had to fertilize it with gasoline. However his crowning achievement was when him and his two buddies who claimed to be nationally famous techno rave dj’s were in the living room plotting to drive to cleveland in a blizzard to rob an ecstasy dealer at gunpoint with a bb gun. This plot was stupid on so many levels. I remember thinking to myself if this drug dealer doesn’t kill you tonight when you find out that a bb gun doesn’t compare to a real gun. If he comes by here and does a drive by that if he doesn’t hit him I certainly will finish the job .

My current room mate isn’t too bad. He used to come into my room when I wasn’t home and try to use my computer which has a bios password and since windows won’t boot there is not the normal shutdown procedure available. Also my power button is set to do nothing when pressed so he couldn’t figure out how to shut it down. So I get home and my computer is on with two failed attempts at the password. He has also came into my room to use my iron and left it plugged in, and he also eats my food.

LOL I could probably post one up… maybe I should wait till I move out though.

lol was this in Erie or Michigan?

This stuff is exactly why I perfer to never ever share space with people. Most people are fucking slobs and theives, and even more so when you live with them.

My roomate now isn’t bad… no where near those ones. We have largely differing tastes in music, but that’s probably about it.