How can anyone live like that...

:rofl: at the neatly stacked cig butts :rofl:

how’d they get into my apartment?!?!

WOW!!! :bowrofl:

I don’t think I’ve smoked that many cigarettes in my life, and I’ve been smoking for 12 years. Also, I’ll never say that my roommate is a slob, ever again. Holy fuckin shit!!!

I blame MTV.

:rofl: I doubt that person seen MTV. too busy whording shit.

I thought two of my roommates were messy, too… they don’t have shit on that person. Holy hell.

Too busy smoking 10 packs and day and trying to hold them up with moldy cups more like it!

What’s the purpose in any of that other shit in there other then to hold trash?

Whorders, Be surprised. Their in everytown.

What the fuck was that! An apartment or a Waste Management trash dump?!?!?!

Actually, that’s 1st-Try after a night of partying with Jeff.


ok before everyone starts freaking out about this its not a real shocker to me. how fility it is def is shocking but not if you realize how many people actually live this way.

my dad owns his own home remodeling business. a client of his asked him if he wanted to clean out a house of an old lady that passed away. they said just pitch everything in the house. seems simple enough. we got there and i swear to you guys this ladys house made that one on that thread look tame. picture a whole house like that, 3 story house and basment but stacked to the ceiling! seriously there was a goat path about 1 ft wide to walk through the entire place. everything was rotten, food everywhere even the tub was full of perishable food all rotten with bugs everywhere. she couldnt have slept there since there was no actual room to even sit down in the entire house

you could smell it from the street

2nd my friends aunt passed away who he had not spoken to in years. i guess she was the family member that was wacked out so no one spoke to her. when she passed they also had a house clean out and matt could have the house if he cleaned it out. i guess that was the family trade off. well since no one had been to her house in what he says 20 yrs. (mind you i found out later it was actually 4 houses down from me) he asked me to give him a hand. we get there and it was the same place all over again. this lady was so ocd that she pulled the hair clogs out of the sink, put them in plastic bags and saved them! she saved old used tissues ect…i told him he was on his own for that and they got some guys in protective suits to clean the house out since apparently there was dead animals and shit in there. its just crazy to think people can live that way and be living right next door and you have no idea

last note the one episode of exterminators on discovery channel they go into an apt like that but its all filmed while they are in there. the one guy runs out and almost pukes at all the blood covering the bed from the bed bugs biting the guy. fucking people disgust me

all that after only 1 month?

My mother works in Fire and Water restoration for FireDEX, as do I. She is the foreman of her crew and well i am one of the grunts. The company goes into houses, mostly insurance claims, that were damaged in some way by fire, water, wind damage and etc. The houses are usually untouched by the homeowners except for absolute necessities if they can be salvaged. Without typing a book, I have seen some crazy living conditions. The most surprising thing that I have come to notice is that its the people with money that seem to have the worst habits.

Makes sence that you would see alot of that in Fire restoration, that apt. screams fire hazard.

that episode of exterminators they said the guy was some big shot basketball player

hire a maid!