Definition of SLOB:

WOW! :bloated: :barf:

double crossposted:

holy shit. thats not right

link no work`

That’ll buff right out.

same here

u mean 8x crossposted

site is getting slammed but its working

WTF is that shit on the BR floor?

omg so nasty







That’s probably what my old roommate would accomplish if he ever lived alone.

I can’t believe these people exist.

umm… i think that blue tub on the toilet is the new toilet…

reminds me of that fat piece of shit that was posted awhile ago. the one that shit the bed.

jesus… thats pretty bad. I don’t know how you could live like that

I have installed cable in houses like that.I remember one house I had to kick the basement door open and walk around garbage. I had a giant bag of jolly ranchers to stop me from dry heaving

there’s a link to the same pictures that doesn’t take an hour to load

wich reminds me,i have to clean the garage

wow that is terrible…

i need to find the one that was sent out about the mountain home afb base housing house that they went into… its pretty bad too

all the orange and white bags and cups are what a burger AFAIK
That place is awesome.

will i ever own low rent generating property?


definitely not.


see above link. no decent income earning functioning member of society with good credit would ever be able to sustain itself in filth like that…

cross between slob and hoarding

even though its super nasty I love seeing this shit :shrug:

:deadhorse2: you know your place would be worse…just car parts and shit everywhere.