thinkin about sellin the a6....

lol ummm what?

DTF up in this thread

hah thats what i thought

+1, I don’t discriminate.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo did you get a car?

haha nope not yet. i might try to ride it out for the summer…

heard youre good at riding things out til the end. true?

and where did you hear this from?


nobody really lol, i am just joking so dont take it offensively!:hug

nobody really? or nobody at all? lol

dtf buddy checking in.

haha i was waiting for you to pop in and say it!!

and now i’ll be popping out. bye

hhaa sorry i meant i completely made it up, so you have nothing to worry about

well +rep for a good guess :wink:

oh babby!! lmao


Yea, I’m obviously gay. Being married to a beautiful brunette for 6 years was a front.

hahahahaha. i didnt think you were gayy