Thinking about buying a motard...

theres on up in 'toga on 50

Soooo… $5400 because I wont fit in your jacket and gloves?

ooooooooooooooohhhh gott’em




Seriously though, have you looked around on at all?

No, I haven’t looked much at all… I really want to buy a truck before I buy a bike… I need a daily.

I might have been looking into one for a while now…

If we buy them, we are going to jail in the back of a police car together.

Do you remember how to ride? :rofl

And where the fuck have you been?

Pixies… duh!

I’ll be locked up right there with you. :number1

Ive been working on shit with the house, neverending projects one after another suck to do by yourself

I was born riding, im never forgetting how to ride

I know, but if I keep talking shit about you not being able to ride…you’ll just have to get a bike so you can prove me wrong!

Maybe if the price was right and I could find a replacment bike. I dont want another loan so I would have to look for another whip in my selling price range.

found a bike for sale!|39%3A1|72%3A317|240%3A1318

Dont make me break out the teaching greg how to ride pictures

haha…get a bike fucker…u and jim need bikes again

If I can grab a good motard for under 5k, I’m in… I can’t ride street bikes anymore, my back is fucked.

my right shoulder kills me after a long ride… it is hard to hold the throttle wide open for an hour straight! lol

gl finding a ride. I would really consider selling mine, but the timing is not good… i have to fix my car first.