Thinking of learning a new language - Any tips?

Use it as much as you can! I can’t wait to get a start on this whole journey :slight_smile:

You’ll like it honestly. I only have done one lesson but i can see that i am going to have better luck this way then i did in high school.

I’m a fluent Bi-lingual and I had to watch a SHITLOAD of sesame street and disney movies to improve on my listening when I was a youngin.
thats all i have for this thread LOL

Im also a fluent bi-lingual (polish) aswell


I know a handful of polish words but thats it despite being 100% polish. Most are swearing that I learned from my grandparents.

its great to talk shit to people right in front of them in a diff language hahahaha

my grandmother talks about colored people in polish and its pretty funny. Ive got no idea how to spell it but it sounds something like chodnick holetta.

black something lol

I think bastards

its funnier to know when someone is talking shit in a differnet language (not english) and then ask them in their language if they were talking to you.

most expect that white people only know one language as they are lazy

Bump, hows it going OP? I fell off the wagon for a bit but I just did the third core lesson. Sometimes it’s confusing and feels like they’re throwing you into stuff way too fast but I always seem to catch up before it does it again. I’m doing alright. It’s wierd how rosetta stone doesn’t teach you normal conversation stuff before it does a bunch of other crap. I’d really like to get through to language basics so I can learn a little conversational stuff. Hopefully I can burn through some of it in the next week before my vacation. I want to be able to show my girlfriend that I’m learning something lol.

ive learned Russian by hanging out with Looksexys2000.