Learning Spanish...what would you do???

So my work place hired a few mexicans for temp and im working with one. The guy doesnt know english to well so I figured now might be a good time to learn a little spanish. DAMN IT! AND I THOUGHT FRENCH WAS THE WAY TO GO BACK IN HS!:roll2:

Anyways, anyone ever use
“Spanish for dummies”
The “Rosetta Stone”

Theres a HUGE price difference.
$25 vs $250ish+

Im not going to Mexico so I dont eed to speak it “well” just want to be able to carry somewhat of a conversation.
I bet the Rosetta Stone can be down loaded


u should be able to find a torrent of RS.

torrent Rosetta stone while looking for a better job.


Isn’t it a little late in the season for landscaping?

Fuck that. We are in America. Make them learn English.

Rosetta stone can be found on demonoid…oh that’s right it’s been totally down for weeks now. :frowning:

PM me if you’re interested in RS. I’ve heard mixed reviews and have never tried it myself other than to verify the app. I believe I have the Arabic pack as well. SRSLY, I wanted to be able to tell if there was any funny biz going on in Lackawanna. Be like a superhero n shit. OK, the superhero part is a joke. :wink:

LMAO Blue…I’m with you and the guys that say this is America and to work here you speaka da englaise!

Rosetta Stone is pretty good.

I am learning Portuguese in my spare time for my trip to Brazil next year. I like it becuase you cant learn a language my reading. You need to hear it and get used to the dialect.

My goal to learn it pisses me off about America. I go to a different country like Mexico or Brazil on vacation and I wanna learn their language enough to understand some things. People come here to work and cant learn anything.

oh come on boxxa, America’s have about the worst reputation in the world for going to other countries / cultures and refusing to even slightly adapt.

I was looking into moving to Ottawa for a while, it is probably the most French speaking city in Canada outside of Quebec. I know some French, enough to get by day to day, but I wasn’t about to move there and get a job without being absolutely fluent…

Try to get your work to pay for Rosetta. They must have some extra cash laying around from paying the mexicans under the table.

HAHAHA nice^

I agree, if you come to america learn our language. I hear there some parts of FL and CA(im sure a few other states) thats theres so many people speaking spanish that the damn street signs are in spanish

If you use Rosetta Stone, lemme know how it works. I took French in HS as well, (wtf?), shoulda took Spanish.

A lot of other countries have bi-lingual sings, fyi…it’s not unheard of

:tup: to you for going the extra mile! lol i would say “hola learn fucking english”

Fuck that. We are in America. Make them learn English.



Like Canada

im interested in the rosetta stone but its too expensive for me, i wanna learn spanish for the next time i go to the dominican republic to see my gfs family and i hate just sitting there while they talk and not being able to contribute to the conversation, plus i wanna know what they say about me lol

$250 is too expensive for you? WTF.

EDIT: On that note, how hard is it to learn 2 language’s at once? I plan on learning some German before I go to Germany next year.