This guy has serious skillz with the car noises

and he’s spot on with all of them

wow, he’s good.

He should just call the Integra type R, the JoestypeS.

I make car noises…

beep beep.

Call coming soon…waiting for one last pickup.

wow pretty good. lol the miss shift

That was pretty good

the integra type r one was great lol. :tup:

I think this is the same guy. But this video is amazing he actually sits in a supra and civic when he does it. he’s right on with the typical civic exhaust sound and vtec kinking in, its the funniest part.

thats funny shit, he’s dam good tho

Dudes crazy good.

That’s funny as hell.

ya i think thats the same guy ffrom the other video where he sits in the car, it looks like him at least

^lol thats the one, these vids are soo old too.

I laughed pretty hard at the integra type r one

is this a old school repost… but yea the vids are real good

kenne bell :headbang:

so sick