This guy is good

Dont know if anyone has seen this yet but it is hilarious.


meh, as impressive as that is…sit in your room all day. Practice. And you can do any car impression.
My fav. to do would be a v8 with a huge cam.

ITR from dig made me laugh.

have you ever seen the one posted a WHILE back where he does a civic hatch with NOS and hits vtec? LMAO

VTEC, oh yeah. It’s on baby it’s ON!

No but I’m sure it is great, and the ITR from a dig is the best!!!

the civic is toward the end

Ha Ha, Thats great!!!

i love that i watch it all the time civic is sweet and the teg in nice
KB cobra sounds good
watch that fuel cut on the supra though

the camera shake makes that perfect :slight_smile: