This guy may one day be quite rich...


I like the possibilities of this…

If it’s a repost…suck it.

I’m sucking it.



Awesome…anyone have a link…I couldn’t find it in the search.

Posted 5 days ago in Off-topic…

I typed “Water Fuel” into the search and it was the first thread.

I only searched in the General Automotive under water fuel…moderator should just delete this thread then. My bad…


some big auto or oil company will buy the tech for 50 mil and shelf it. If it is viable, it will never see the market, at least not until oil reserves are completely depleted…

Well first NYC would have to blow up since they pay a lot of money for Niagara Falls power

no joke.

just like how the drug companies tried to patent all the natural vitamins (a, the b’s, c, e, etc…) it’s pretty disgusting.

this was made in '03? i bet it already happened.


i work for an oil company. My boss just said the same exact thing about 30 seconds ago.