This is blowing it.........

The parking lot in those pics looks awsome! many wasted tires there.

on my way to work i was driving and the vette all the sudden blew me sideways, then i came. “was the best blow j ever!”



tell me about it.

maybe if we line em up, things would change :wink:

yes because racing somebody is the ultimate way to settle a score. If you win he will automatically never be able to give you shit again.

he’s not saying he’s faster than you, he’s busting balls…why get so butt hurt about it

Sure we could line em up all day…

I’ll loose, I know this… all ill get to see is you blow it sideways and go OH SHIT GUARDRAIL or OH SHIT DOORSTOP

Nothing will change

If I thought I could beat him then yes this statement would be true…

It would prolly give me more room to bust his balls as whenever he wins to slower car he gets all excited… OMFG DUDE I WONT BY LIKE 10 FOOTBALL FIELDS IT WAS AWSOME

but when he races someone like Big RED… he gets all cocky and worked up like your going to loose and all this shit talking…

then when he looses he goes acts all quiet like yea man that was a good close race…

but if he wont hed be the cocky d-bag about his roll racing abilities we all know and love

I was being sarcastic shady and siding with you lol

I know you were d00d i was just elaborating further of the smokin we all know and love

btw still have not recieved my sexual favors for taking good pics of your car

You will loose, you looser.

Lease I have a car :wierd

this thread is full of :retardclap

now someone blow me! :thumbup

I hear benny cheeks are soft and feel like a womans vagina


Lease you have a car?

Technically if you’re leasing it it’s not yours.

Solid post. Benny 1 Kenzie 0.

Oh shi-

Rebirth of JCP’s?

Jesse when you spell the last part of my name like that. I hear you saying it in a drawn out lisp high pitched voice.

You worry me sometimes

What about when I say Kenzie? :lol
I call you that all the time!
