Snowflake in the forecast already. :ohnoes
Pfft weak
rain 5 outta the next 10 days here too. shit sucks
60s here.
sucks! south ftw
Ordered snows for the vette
why are they so wide still? should put the skinniest possible tire on…also why would u drive the vette in the winter? you like going nowhere? haha :hug
yeah today was really nice. yesterday’s wind was ridiculous!
I need to plow my driveway some how! Some salt/sand in the hatch for weight and traction when needed!
lol plowing the driveway with the sentra got old and fast haha
snow tires ftw.
yeah thats what i thought and then i landed in a ditch at 60mph haha…i thought they were the shit and i was like oh yeah im not slippin or anything until i came around a long bend and it was either A) oncoming traffic/guardrail. or B) snowbank/ditch haha
I’ll take “you don’t know how to drive in the snow” for 1000, Alex.
I will fuck someone up not even kidding right now.
Give me drugs, man.
i do haha, was in a rush and didnt give a fuck haha
BTW your new username sucks justin :rofl :rofl
Is it for snow or just frost? Im thinking frost.
Shit,I need to get some snows !