New threads are still tough to read though, i reccomend changing them to a different color

How they go to a lighter shade and non-bold

It was afucking suggestion, chill. The black on gray is sick btw.

black is niiiiiice

and I was totally kidding !


Is it just me or cant we quote twice or more in one post anymore?

If you look at the bottom of the post you want to quote, it says “Quote” and then next to it is a box that says “MQ” which is “Multi Quote” and you can multi quote through that.:happy:

ya just hit the HQ button like joey said on every post you want to multiquote on

then hit post reply, and your set, its easier actually :vlad

Much more of a PITA than the old forum though. I just tried it.

how do u figure? just hit the MQ button on each opst u wanna quote

then hit post reply

thas a shit lot easier because on the old forum the page would jump to the bottom when u quoted, and then you had to scroll back up and find where you were before… this wont move the page on you :retardclap

Yeah soo much easier than SMF

oh well, everyone will get used to it sooner or later :slight_smile:

Ok, I figured it out now. I didnt know I had to hit reply.

Probably. Im just not good with changes.

I know you’ll be alright :stuck_out_tongue:

yaaayyyy:retardclap Paul

New skin now available to use, and its set to the default since its the only skin fully made for this version of VB lol…

and it looks good too… so maybe i’ll use it my self !

Silver Blue is the name

I like this skin now! Easy to use/read

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Yo bitch, you just got -rep!