*NOTICE* Everyone READ

Ok I want to have this up here now so everyone has time to read it.

So obviously we are going to switch to Vbulletin very soon.

When this happens all the passwords for every user will have to be reset/redefined. So that means when the new forums are up… everyone will have to recover/reset/redefine the password. This is done by requesting reset password, which sends an email to you.

The whole reason for this thread is to let you know that you have 1 more week to get your email addresses confirmed. Make sure the email you have in your profile is working and will accept the email from vbulletin to reset your password.

If your email isnt correct when we transfer the database, it wont be correct in vbulletin and you wont be able to recover your password.

So yepppp thats all just make sure that shit is all straight…

EDIT: If smf doesnt let you update or change your current email address, let me know and I’ll fix it for you etc. But make sure you get it all figured out this week…

Also, make sure you have your birthdate set correctly as well to further reduce the chance of you getting banned upon your first login !

sigs/post count and all stay with the name?

yes, your post count, your sig and rank and private messages will all be carried over and 99% your avatars too !

So no worries on that. Passwords dont carry over, they are encrypted a special way between the two forums.

damn, i was hoping to make a run on joey. hes double me already… :idiots

SAWEET, that means all these OT topics wil still be here!!! :bdance

haha no chance man, joey is far gone lol…

hes got 9700+ on the test site :stuck_out_tongue: haha

i want in

no body is “in” im just saying every one of his quality posts transferred to the vb test site successfully so lol u wont be catching him just yet

So if I got the “Shift518 Important Notice” e-mail that means my email is all set then right?


Just make sure its the email you use, as the password will be sent to the one registered to make your name on here.
Contact singh/vlad and they can change it for you.

yea haha, thats pretty funny we are sending out emails to tell you to make sure your email is correct, ha

but yea your good to go

i dont even remember my password

i never had to reset mine :ohnoes

it doesnt matter, it has to be reset

reading the post will help out you guys MUCH

passwords will be LOST in simplier words…

SO make sure emails are correct, as well as your birth dates

The email must be correct so the recover password function in VB sends you your new password !!

our active members are gunna go from 600 members to 100 :lol

it says vlads 98

and his 99th birfday is coming up :banana

thats ok, as long as its “Set” to something