And I am sure this has nothing to do with it being game 7 and you wanting to wage some sort of diversion of attention to you.
But alas, they have lost and now you will have to find some new way to gain the attention of the internet…might I suggest a large scale purchase of some sort to make the kiddies go oooo and aahhhhhhh or perhaps start a controversial thread. O wait…its been done.
newman, stop being a negitive nancy. you really should make posts about the things you do like.
like when i ride you like a horse, slapping your ass and call yelling “high ho silver”.
Remember when you had the crabs and the only thing that made you feel better was this lotion? Well I found another use for it. It feels so good it makes me wanna sing! Just like that night we spent in the tattoo parlor in Chicago!
My wife was never really into hockey until we went to a few games and I started explaining some of the nuances of the game to her. Now she is just as excited to watch a game as I am.
I know everyone has something against the bandwagoners but its pretty hard to stay away from hockey at this point since its on the lips of everyone.
Today’s bandwagon jumpers are tomorrow’s fans.
This playoffs has gotten so many more people in Buffalo reinterested in hockey. After the year layoff, I heard very little buzz about the Sabres. Now, the city is all about red and black. I think its great!!