This is what roll cages are for..

Here is the in car video leading up to the accident…


 	 		 Hey all, here are the pics of my crash at mid-o this wknd. Data said I was going about 95mph when I went off the back straight before 7. Some kind of brake failure. Had brakes for a split second then nothing. Slowed from 130 down to 95. Someone said I flipped about 9 times. Cartwheeled over the gravel trap and catapulted over the tire barrier and then over/through a 18 foot fence and ended up in the spectator area. Officials said they have never seen a car go that far out or seen a crash like that at mid-ohio. I’m completely fine though, just a small bump on head. Can't say the same about the Z. Thanks to everyone out there that helped me out especially cat killer, ralphy and ed.

Yes, i had a hans on. That’s what probably gave me the bruise on my forehead. Hans stopped my helmet but my head smashed into the inside of my helmet. I had a racetech seat with wings and head bolsters. Did not have a net on the right. Had a 5 point harness (2 groin belts combine into one buckle). Car never really had a hard impact. Just kept on doing cartwheels over a long distance dissipating the energy. Looking at the in car video looks like instinct took over and i tried turning at the end of the straight so i started flipping almost before i left the concrete. Should of gone off straight into china beach and hopefully had the gravel slow me down b/f hitting tire wall. Thing that bothers me the most is not knowing what happened to the brakes. Childs is conducting a csi investigation. My data showed a 1.2 G slowdown at the 400 mark just like always but only for a split second. Pedal felt good. Then my G’s gradually dropped to 0. I remember lifting and pushing in the pedal again and the data showed my G’s came back up to .7 then quickly dropped back down to 0 before i turned the car and flipped. I don’t ever remember the pedal just hitting the floor. Brake fluid reservoir was still filled after the crash. Looking at the in car video, the car really shimmied at initial braking, almost looking like the rear brakes were working but not the front. Only evidence we have so far is on the front left wheel, the rotor had a weird discoloration and was completely scoured and gouged as if the caliper was stuck. I don’t see how this happend though b/f the crash though b/c the car was pretty dead on straight, not drifting to the left as you would expect so maybe it somehow got scoured after the crash. Car does have ABS but I don’t think it ever activated. Braking was totally fine going down the keyhole just prior.

Holy fucking shit…


This thread is EVERY reason in the world you do NOT cheap out on safety equipment.

Awesome series of photos. “It keeps going, and going…”

Least he didn’t have to walk far for the ambulance.

whaaaaaaaattttt wow

that video prior to the accident is fucking ridic, and those pics…wow

holy shit… that’s what was in his pants when his brakes failed…

Anyone else thinking twice about tracking their cars?

No, just makes a roll bar and fixed back seats seem even more necessary.

Although when I was at the glen in april there were 3 wrecks at the scda event. It does make you think about safety.

A guy from the advanced group in a 996 gt3 wrecked in the rain early on the 1st day. A brand new nismo 350z wrecked also and then on the second day a dumb kid that wasn’t listening to his instructor crashed an exige.

glad you are ok nice video should be used as a reminder not to cheap out on safty shit

wow, glad hes ok… But why they hell did he need a loaded 350z with nav as a track car? Some people have too much $$$ i guess…

I was at the track 2 weekends ago and this kid had a new gt3 gutted and caged as his track car…i was like wtf

i wish the video didn’t cut off so soon

yup. that’s what they are for. Makes me want one in my track car.

Fuck your fence Ni**a!

Damn that was an amazingly horrid crash. :tup: to roll cages.

You should have asked him if you could borrow some money

Wow, went into the corner a little hot.

That’s got to be scary as hell when the brakes fail.
T-up to safety equipment.

That should buff right out.

you see the last pic where the car landed on it’s wheels? Well that just shows that he didnt need the cage in the first place. He would have been fine without. Obviously im joking, but really glad the guy walked away. A few things you dont go cheap on. doctors, lawyers, safety equipment, and brakes.

So how many of you do 95mph on straights at local tracks? and don’t rock any safety equipment besides a helmet…


yeaaaaa cage this winter for sure