"This is why we can't have nice things." The Joe Jiggs appreciation thread

^dats good :excited

Well I’m Business Administration, I’m likely going to focus in Finance though. I don’t have to decide for another two semesters though so we’ll see.

He’s 19 and I’ve personally done schoolwork for him to help him pass a class, which he still failed because he handed in the papers a day late (myself, caz dkid and maybe one or two other people wrote a bunch of papers for him at the end of our junior year). He hasn’t done anything with his life after high school besides running around jerking off whoever has the fastest or coolest car. You guys have to remember that without me, dkid and caz joe jiggs would just be sitting in his garage working on the chevelle 24/7, if we didn’t bring him to the lot or LVD any time we went he wouldn’t know lksi, murrdog or anybody else. I’ve known him longer than everyone except dkid and caz (I think… maybe the decker braaahhhhs but i dunno)

It’s not even really about the clutch lines or A/C line, it’s the fact that I relied on him as a friend to be there for me, he was VERY excited about it in the weeks before (wasn’t like I was “making” him do something he didn’t want to do, he loved the eeeeeeemr2), called/texted me 0438993487 times the day we took the car out, then worked on it for 3 hours the next day and hasn’t talked to me for two months after. Even my PARENTS who love the kid like a son and know him better than 90% of the clowns posting in this thread are frustrated with him, not with any of the mechanical stuff just with the fact that he left me hanging and has been ignoring me/us for the past 2 months.

Not bashing, just facts. Very little if anything that I’ve said is an opinion, they’re mostly facts.

Talk about twisting the story. I originally had no plans of needing to get my detailing stuff but realized I would have to if I was going to stay in LG. There was clearly room for him in the K20 at the time (which I think was at the Mobil with me? I can’t remember but I KNOW that I did not fucking leave him at a gas station BY HIMSELF), I didn’t know that you would have to pick up whoever you did and would have to fit 6 ppl in there.

Basically, the kid ignores my posts on here, various texts/calls regarding the subject (just want to figure out what happened, as of right now there is no reason), but then treats me like we’re best buddies in person, completely ignoring the subject. Fuck that.

I’ll continue to give the “other side of the story” every time there is a joe jiggs circle jerk thread on here. Wouldn’t want another one of my friends to get jerked around by him.