He’s gotten left at LVD multiple times by his “friends” that he helps out when they need it, they laugh. Good thing he has a few people that are actually his friends and gave him a lift home. Also, I’ve personally witnessed(along with Lance and Murrdog) Kramer leaving Joe Jiggs at a Mobil gas station in Lake George after giving him a ride up there and saying he had to go home and get his detailing shit in which he would have no room for Joe. Joe then called me, and Lance, Murrdog, and myself went to pick him up and he then just stayed with us for the remainder of the weekend.
Fuck Joe Jiggs, I’ll work on my own car. KTHXBYE
I hope that part of what your saying is not about me as I live in guilderland and have had joe work on my cars before. Joe is a good guy and was greatfull for the work he had done for me. I have bought him food as well as even asked if he wanted money and he said “no” I always invited him to places such as lvd, anytime I went to the mall, etc.
On his birthday last year we were working on my daily driver and he called and asked if I wanted to finish what we were doing and I said its your birthday you dont have to. He still wanted to. After we finsihed (which i think i may have told him to stop) I offered him to go to the movies with my girlfriend and friend and had no problem paying for him at all.
all and all I consider joe a friend as I use to be with him in highschool. So again, I hope that sentence didnt include me.
Same here lol. I’ve known him since the bmx days in 6th grade :rofl
hes still a fuckin kid…i think he just likes hangin out with you guys, and he needs a girlfriend. all in favor of buying him a girl. I maybe even a nice black one ahah
From meeting/getting to know Joe he’s an awesome dude who will help you out in a pinch.
I know some of the situation with Ryan/Joe, but I don’t think I know enough of the background of the whole thing to comment on it, aside from saying that if you’re not being paid for your time, it is your time. All promises aside, all indiscretions and everything else aside, as a finance/business major, I can imagine the “time is money” principle is a well pushed point.
I support Jiggsy built!
i <3 black girls, i really gotta get one… not the loud ones tho… ughh
kkk my bad for daydreamin in jiggs topic
Yeah im the one whos always stuck going to get him… He does appreciate me driving him places just as much as i appreciate him doing the majority of the work on his car. I will vouch for jiggs and continue to do so.
exactly. Joe has helped me before, when I was having electrical issues with my car, I called him up sure enough he figured it out within the hour. You can say he smells bad tastes like shit or whatever lol but bottom line hes a good kid who goes out of his way to help people often times for nothing.
it sounds like this dude really knows his shit with cars? i always thought it was a joke when i heard you guys talk about him fixing shit
thanks singh
I like Joe Jiggs.
keep it in the pants plz
As an anthropology major… i realize that my major is completely irrelevant to this thread. Joe jiggs is a dick face and does shitty work. fuck you joe jiggs.
they cant be that great. Even black guys dont want them
Aren’t you in love with your black neighbor?
I dont have black neighbors. Black people dont live around here- for real.
Post of the month
you confessed your love for a black girl in lake george
Im being totally honest. Around my neighborhood its almost all white people. I think theres one Indian/middle eastern family and an asian or two in an apartment complex but thats it for nonwhites.