This Man Swallowed An Entire Bag Of Cocaine


When transporting drugs in your vehicle, remember to always signal. Otherwise you might end up like 18-year-old Art Taylor who, upon being pulled over for not signaling, freaked out and swallowed a bag of cocaine. His mugshot says it all.

According to Framingham, Mass. police, they struggled with the teenager to stop him from swallowing a bag of white powder after they stopped him for a minor traffic offense.

“He made a quick movement to the center console, and there was small baggie with a white powder in it,” said Police Spokesperson Ron Brandolini. “He immediately made a movement to put it in his mouth.”

The officers were able to handcuff Talyor and remove him from the car, but not before swallowing what’s believed to be cocaine. The suspected criminal was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, disorderly conduct, and not using a turn signal. It doesn’t appear as if drug charges were brought upon him, which we guess makes his gambit kind of successful

Source : This Man Swallowed An Entire Bag Of Cocaine

lmaooo hahahha


so many idiots get caught for the simplest things

it wont hurt him unlesssss that bag busts open lolol . thats how i got drugs into jail lolol

Omg to the above statement.

Omg to next statement.

Had a patient one night who wrecked at 85 MPH into a pole. Their headlight was out. They also had about 4 kilos of cocaine in the trunk.

what is the shock on my statement ??? i was in prison and i was a drug addict lolol what is the suprise . i wasnt puttin it up my ass lolol

thats not all u put up there. :Idiots

oh stopppp , u were the first lolol



if it was a gram or suttin small it wont hurt em at all .
