Fucking hilarious and I couldn’t agree more.
I didn’t see it posted yet so here it is…
Fucking hilarious and I couldn’t agree more.
I didn’t see it posted yet so here it is…
Wow, sucks to be Jauron right now. I can’t imagine the feeling of people hating what you do so much that they advertise on a billboard.
Good job Bills fans! :tup:
Its not just Jauron, its that whole organization has no touch as to what is going on.
yeah this whole thing has been going down on buffalorange.com
seriously? people are donating money for this? If people are going to just give money away for something this meaningless I guess WNY is just balling
you’ve never spent 2$ on something stupid?
Everyone has spent 2$ on something stupid.
It was a collaborative effort amongst fans not just person shelling out a bunch of money. Hell, there could have been 1,402 people that donated 1 cent a piece. You never know how many people and how much each person gave :shrug:
That being said…Go Pats!
not going to change a damn thing
Fucking pathetic and another reason why this city looks like trash to the rest of the nation.
Its not funny, its not going to change anything, we are all aggrevated but there is voicing and opinion and being a clown…whoever in charge of this is a fucking fggt and should have their own billboard made.
The guy is a lousy head coach…not a lousy human being.
Know the difference.
:lol: that is pretty funny
The billboard is not saying he should be threatened or killed or anything…just made no longer a head coach.
Look at the emphasis on his name…that implies what kind of person he is.
Its stupid.
It also is the brain child of a fucking unemployed 18yr old from PA. :picard:
What an embarassment. That’s sad.
last time we were in the playoffs i was 12 years old… things are not going to change, its not Juron’s fault as a person, hes doing a job, he may suck at it but hes making money, what the fuck does he care? blame who is responsible for giving him his job/maintaining his job.
I love the yahoo article starts right off by saying he is unemployed. hahahahah I wish he put this much effort into finding a job
your math is excellent
The “Fire Dick Now” comment was a group of fans with matching T shirts, not the billboard in question.
After reading that I was just scrolling to find the reply where someone calls him out on that. lol