Bills fans, making the WNY area look good as always

While his helpless, pregnant wife watched in horror, a Woburn man says, he was viciously beaten outside the Buffalo Bills’ football stadium last week by a liquored-up mob of New York fans embittered after the Pats crushed their team.


Way to go jackasses.

that guy is 30 years old? he looks 45-50 to me. :rofl:

dumb-ass should stick to the sabres so he can be sober and watch a team thats good

I love the typo in the caption below the picture of him and his wife

While i dont condone what happened, there has got to be more to this story and software salesmen are worthy of a beating…

“Can you describe the attackers?”

Yes, they were wearing bills jersys

“okay, that narrows it down to about 80,000 possible suspects” LOL

i fucking hate the bills, seriously they are a disgrace to buffalo.

thats horrible if the story is told of how it really happened

seriously ^^^

shitty situation though, i couldn’t imagine what the wife was experiencing. Gotta be careful with another teams jersey though in different cities. Shit like this happens a lot.

And T-Down to OP police not doing jack shit

Sounds like a one-sided story…

SO, who on here beat his ass? Let’s hear the other side of the story. Lol.

i bet it was a group of 22ish year olds all drunk and thinking that they are toughguys. then 1 finally finds a 1/16th of an ounce of balls and takes the first swing and the rest of the idiots all wanting to “show and prove” jump in and this poor guy gets gang beaten. Same shit goes down every Bills game, and every weekend downtown.

It’s the BOSTON herald, writing about a BOSTON man.

It has to be biased

he must have gotten a few good punches in if he broke his hand

They are barely in the parking lot after games. Shit happens in the stadium they are on it like white on rice, shit goes down in the lot there is no way to see anything happening.

im sure he wasnt drinking or provoking anything

yeah right

My dad does security for the games and he said some of the stuff that goes on he can not believe. But thats Buffalo for ya.

Thats everywhere. Philly is known for beating people for showing up to their games.

Apparently some guy tried having sex with some guy’s wife in the womens bathroom, lol.

I heard that, they talked about it on S&R

Sounds like there’s more to the story, but still gang beating is so fucking gay. Especially in front of the guy’s wife. If I was a judge I’d put all these guys in jail for the max, hands down, no questions asked, final answer.