Bills fans, making the WNY area look good as always

This doesn’t surprise me at all, but it is pretty disappointing.

Friggen neanderthals.

i don’t mean to bust on bills fans but why do you guys keep this team around? it just adds to your taxes… if you were to loose the bills… you would probably see a good tax decrease… and lord knows this area needs it… highest tax i have ever seen

i’m wearing a sabres jersey to the flyers game nov. 11th. Should be interesting if they kick they’re ass 9-1 again

Good luck bro

You better believe i’m wearing a Sabres jersey to that game. I’ll be with at least 3 other Sabres fans and a couple Philly fans.

no we wouldnt…they would find a reason to keep the taxes high…

oh sorry for the advice then.

He’s not kidding. There is always something that is an excuse for higher taxes. I pay 8.75% on a pack of gum.


no really like Chevy Chase said…the politicans will find another lame reason to keep taxes the same or even raise them…by sayin…well we dont have the revenue from the Bills

Must… bite… tongue… and… resist… making comments about typical Bills/NFL fans.

im going with coworkers so i’m not going to get drunk and stupid, i should be ok.

A tax break in WNY???

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

There was a lot of fights at that game. So what. The Pats fans started most of them in our section. I’m sure this guy did something/said something

On the other hand, I went the bills game in detroit earlier this year. What a bunch of pussys! I couldn’t find 1 drunk person there in the whole arena! Not one person said anything to me about billing a bills fan. I was disappointed! HUGE difference between buffalo and detroit! They don’t even tailgate!

i went to the bills vikings game 97 and i was 9 at the time and wore a warren moon jersey and got yelled at by drunks, as did my dad. if you dont taunt them back youll be fine. we walked away with nothing more than being yelled at which ide excpect anyway wearing an away jersey at a die hard fan stadium.

and i also doubt he didnt do anything, theres no way he was just minding his own business and got punched in the face.

but still :tdown: to gang beating regardless of the situation


thats how it is almost anywhere there are die hard fans. NOT just buffalo. I never take my wife to a game because i know what will happen. Drunk men with all there friends yelling things to my wife in front of me. But its not just bills fans, it drunk men in general. please dont drag the bills name through the gutter because a group of drunk men decided to act like a group of drunk men.

that sucks for him, wrong place wrong time, should be in NE watching his own team play, and cmon now he must have known shit was going to happen

Thats fucking gay. As a pats fan who attends that game every year some god damn asshole bill’s fans always talk shit to at least my dad and I. One year I even heard shit talking when I was with my dad and two uncles none of whom are small individuals. Regardless this doesn’t seem out of the ordinary to me at all and I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t a biased story.

Unfortunately, this shit happens in every NFL stadium.

yea who says he was not drunk and yelling back at them, or even started something with them before he went to piss. plus his only real injuries are his hands, so like dan said, he must have been doing his fair sharing of fighting