Bills fans, making the WNY area look good as always

yep, pretty sad… also love the people who shrug it off as “its expected to happen”. its a FOOTBALL GAME. you shouldn’t have to worry for your life going to a football game, even if its in the other teams stadium. yea, go ahead and get on their case about whats happening on the field, but it in when your team scores etc THATS expected. but once people start to make personal threats, thats crossing the line imho. :tdown:


Quiet You!!!

You get upset and threaten baby seal with a club when LT doesnt rush for 2000 yards per quarter. And all this time just think that your hero Lights Out Merriman was juicing with Cansucko and Bail Bonds :stuck_out_tongue:

Go Bills, We are here to cheer for you! Go Bills and however the rest of that song goes.

On topic I have been at bills games where bills fans start with other bills fans. The bottom line is drunk idiots start fights regardless of the surroundings or your preferences for a sports team.


:tdown: to 20-1 fights…pooses


I hate our fucking team, it has turned me off to the NFL. I wish they would just sell them already.

ummm has anyone been watching football this season??? there isnt very much good anything happeneing in football. ALOT of teams are struggling and the product has been shit. NFL in general sucks right now with the exception of a very few teams.

lol, at everyone getting upset at about how people act. I dont know about the rest of you people but I live in a real world. This shit happens everywhere.

I think he meant the Eagles game. People are RUTHLESS there.

werd… especially a beating of that magnitude lol

I’m sure (or atleast I’d hope) that there was probably some shit talking going on back and forth. Reguardless though, it’s fucked up when people do that shit. I remember being at the Miami game last year and a few Dolphins fans were walking thru the parking lot and getting shit thrown at 'em :tdown: talking a little trash is one thing, but beating someone down over a fucking game is retarded

God forbid the Bills/Sabres won the superbowl/stanley cup… lock your doors and stay inside :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: After looking at the picture of him, He deffinitly looks like he could be the type to rub it in someones face :lol: And why the hell are his knuckles the only part that looks injured? (atleast, from what the story said, I’d expect alot worse) lol

I have a theory about that. If it ever happens a huge exploson will wipe out all the scum of the city. And out of the hole that was made by the explosion a skyscraper will emerge from it and spew commerce in all directions. And then theres zombies too, which i am prepared for.

don’t worry the Banana Slugs won’t be willing it any time soon :wink:

it looks like they broke his thumbs, he must’ve owed someone money and is just blaming it on bills fans.

EDIT: After looking at the picture of him, He deffinitly looks like he could be the type to rub it in someones face :lol: And why the hell are his knuckles the only part that looks injured? (atleast, from what the story said, I’d expect alot worse) lol

Do you have any clue how many bones are in the hand? from the wrist down you have 24 bones, some of which are smaller than a pen cap. And when broken they caise extreme amounts of pain and require surgery to be “re-set” so you can retain full function of your hand.

:wtf: to gang beatings, people are fucking useless when drunk.

The guy probably got pissed that the Bills fans were saying shit, he mouthed off one too many times like many guys from Boston do and got what was coming to him. :nopity:

:word: if you’re walking with your pregnant wife you eat your pride and keep walking no matter how much shit someone’s talking. Guy probably lost his temper and shit happens.

All of you who say shit happens are obviously retarded. Who cares if you mouth off, show team spirit, or get in a fight? No one. But it’s ignorant and pathetic that a gang beatdown happens. Does it really take multiple Bills fans to beat up on one Patriots fan? No matter what the guy did, and I’m sure he did something, IT’S STILL NOT RIGHT.

did i say him getting beat down was right? Anyone with common sense knows that wearing an opposing jersey you’re going to get hate from the majority of everyone around you. It happens at every game, this is nothing new.

^ no, but why should the guy have to eat his pride? he shouldn’t have to face gang assault because he said the Bills suck, or the Patriots were the better team, or anything for that matter.

It’d be like me (theoretically) wanting to fight newman for being an asshole online… At least in my case, it would be one on one. I wouldn’t get 6 people to jump him b/c I didn’t like what he was saying.

When i went to a game years back with my dad, brother, and uncle, my uncle was wearing a Raider’s hat minding his own buisness and drunk retards a few rows up started throwing snow balls at his head until he took the hat off. Im not saying this guy is completely innocent, but just cheering for the other team is enough to get some drunk morons to do stupid shit like this.

i’d be like you going to fight newman in a house with 80,000 of his friends. Same sort of concept, you wouldn’t show up there talking shit about newman and not expect to get your ass kicked if you kept pushing it?

if he was innocently jumped and beaten then i hope whoever did it gets it back 10 fold. But most likely what happened was people were shouting shit at him, he lost his temper, and a fight broke out. But no one knows the whole story except for those that were there. I was just trying to point out that when you wear an opposing jersey you have to expect people to yell at you, i’m wearing a sabres jersey in 2 weeks to a flyers game an i fully expect people to talk trash at me, i find it amusing, im certainly not going to lose my cool and go fight someone over it.

thats really fucked up.

such stupid shit to get into a fight over anyways. let alone fucking retards get pissed because they paid mad loot for bills tix and got stuck sitting in the cold watching them lose.

fucking pathetic