This Snow

best thing i saw today, i was going to school, and this old 80’s monticarlo pulled into a gas station (i think the person works there b/c i see the car there all the time) and did a full 360, and then a cop drove into the parking lot all fast with his lights on. They both got out of there cars and were talking to each other. I wonder if the guy got a ticket.

If I don’t get out of work a little early, I just sit up in my window and watch the cars slide into the bend and wreck or bounce off the curb.

If I do manage to leave early I go over to Network Drive and out thru the back of Canonsburg when it’s like this. The people that come sliding down the hill behind me with their brakes locked suck…I’d rather have people sliding down at me while climbing small grades rather than have people behind me sliding into me in traffic!

Yeah it was definitely pretty bad. I sat infront of the Southpointe directory for 25 minutes. Then watched some dumbass in a ford focus try to turn around, go up over the curb, drive through the grass and back over the curb on to the road. He was coming off crooked, so his drivers side tire was on the road, but the pass side was still up in the grass, then he was stuck. When he finally got out, he took two huge chunks out of the curb with his bumper. Dumb fuck. Not to mention the lady i was behind coming down the hill by the hershey building (forget what its called) who would move 1/2 of an inch and stop. We all started passing her. Shes what causes accidents. In my 10 years of driving I have never seen such horrendous shit as I did in the 2 hours I spent driving a mile and a half. LOL

down in oakland today i was walkin to the engr building to meet with a group and man, was traffic horrendous!!! i never seen it backed up and the roads didnt look all that bad.

but yes, durin the last 2 years here i seen the most horrible drivers…and winter brings out the best of the worst!! some ppl just suck at driving. some are way to overcautious, not that its a bad thing, but in the city at rush hour…it backs everything up horribly and ruins everyones day

STFU pussy…I never said I wasn’t a pussy


:slap: ur weak

SS with snow tires is a dominant winter machine so far

Here was my sweet comute home

Starting Point: Intersection of University Blvd in Moon Twp
Home: Baldwin right near South Park
Distance: 24 miles
Departure time: 5:00 PM
Arrival Time: 7:15 PM (135 minutes)
Avg Speed: 24/2.25 = 10.67 Miles/Hour

Total sweetess

That’s crazy. I left the office (Technology Drive) at 7:30 and walked down to Jay’s Sports Bar for the game. Made it there in 20 minutes. All the cars were completely stopped.

My wife met me down at the bar and said the same thing about that hill. Everyone was afraid to go because there were cars coming the other way. So she stopped before the tracks and let about 5 people slide down the hill safely.

One of those was probably me, LOL. My friend was a few cars ahead of me. I called and asked her if she wanted to go to Jay’s and she said no, she had to get home to her husband and kid. Im like uh ok, cause you might get there soon? I should have just went to Jay’s by myself, I make friends anywhere. Im waiting for this to happen again tonight! At least I know now, and we have a 32 inch flatscreen with dish up in our conference room. Ill just sleep over next time!

The last few ppl to leave here at 7 didnt actually get home til about 9:30, it was still backed up that bad.

:rofl: For future reference, there is a back way in to Southpointe. I just assumed it would be clogged, too. You can take Technology to Network and come out by Hoss’ in Canonsburg. (You can also go Angerer to 980)

One of my buddies was at Jay’s. He actually left the office, found the back way out, and came back IN to Southpointe to watch the game. I was laughing my ass off.

I dont really know my way through Southpointe. I just come in the Canonsburg side, make a left on Technology, then a left on Hillpointe. Lady I work with left about 45 min before us, took a different way, ended up making a big circle and was about a mile behind us 2 hours later. Talk about laughin your ass off. :rofl:

:eek2: That’s the same exact way I go to work. Ansys, Inc?

LOL thats funny. Im not sure where it is tho I know Ive seen it. Im in the Hershey II building at Cricket.

edit: nvm ur right across the street


I forecast some impromptu pittspeed lunch mini-meets? :dunno: