This takes the cake for most determined myspace person.

I’m online doing my promotion or whatever, and I get this message referring to my party April 8th.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

whats good my dude?? I was talkin to dj heat nd he told me to see whats up with lettin me rap at your party coming up? so i was just asking hit me up my man…nd i like ya work you done!

So I look at guys profile, and he’s pretty bad white rapper. From MARYLAND. So I write back:

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: dj.dstar
Date: Mar 31, 2006 3:16 PM

thanks for the props

are you from maryland?

it’d be hard to rap here, we’re in buffalo, haha.

I thought that was my easy way out. Turns out, 3 states ain’t a thangggg.

----------------- Original Message -----------------

no doubt! yeah im from MD but it aint no thing to drive up there if u willin to let me rap there…ill be there longs i can be heard lol i mean i can come up couple days before nd work something out wit u nd set up or get a new hit song out there to play there…

I was like ehhh, I’ll think about it.

Sure a 200-300 person club night is good promotion, but goddamn. Determination. I kinda appreciate his hustle, but at the same time I gotta wonder. It would be funny to see these dudes come here from hours away and suck, but I don’t need that at my show…lol.

“longs I can be heard”

Took me 3 tries to understand that. His comprehension of the actual words he speaks must be horrendous. He types how he talks, including skipping the words that go by quickly.

hahaha I know right.




He used “my dude” to Heat 3 times in one message.

hear him out

I know a guy from Conn that is an amazing rapper and producer.

I gave him a listen, trust me.

My response:

“everybody’s gotta have a dream.”

Name the movie.

Don’t let him tear up ur gig

Nah clearly not happening

it was just funny. i entertained the idea for a second, but I don’t think everyone would understand that I had them drive 3 states away because they were bad and I thought it would be funny.

tell him to come up in 2 weeks and swing by philly to pick me up, i was planning to come to buffalo that weekend and could use a ride.

whats his link lol I wana see this kid

Is he be from Balimore? I <3 Balimore tugs.

Is this him?

yo Dstar, im gonna get trashed and come rap at your party, the ladies will go bananas. what do you think? :lol:

That whole first post sounded ridiculous. From all parts.

Forizzle? Yo I be there like dat …shiiiiit son.