This will kill me but I SO WANT IT!


That is death in a meal.

that looks derricious…but id be in food coma for like 3 days

Oh hai, I can has calories?

You forgot to sprinkle it with beef jerky.

Ill eat that shit every day

ew! no thanks

I like pizza and I like burgers but not together.

Theres pink in that burger- gross. I cant stand pink meat in burgers.

that actually looks pretty tasty lol

Savannah RX7 makes a damn tasty thin crust pizza with diced up chicken tenders, french fries, honey BBQ sauce and I’m forgetting some other ingredients I can’t currently remember.

Would eat, regardless of intestinal consequences


gotta be atleast medium well for me

How do you check if she’s ready then?

let’s just say that isnt an issue I have these days.

Now this sounds GOOD. Used to get a wrap like that when I lived in Mass.


Is it true? If you don’t use it, you ‘lose it’?

no kind of doing/done

no, I just checked and its still there

im fat and im guna pass on that one