This years project: Slow & Ghey

I posted this on SHOforum, can’t wait to see how bad I get flamed for this. :lol:

In 15 minutes I have “there is no way in hell that will hold”
And prior to that “M112 is overkill, it will never work”

They are going to love me when I post pics of the sliced up snakes. :lol:

More pics!

Hi-tech boost gauge FTW!


Bottom of intake is done and ready to be cut.

omg LOLOLOL i cant wait to see this beast

tercelica wasnt ghetto enough u have to make this :stuck_out_tongue:

hahahahaha sweet. hook up a leakdown testor overnight to make sure it holds like 15 pounds of air

I going to start painting the car tomarrow also. I’m going to try the $50 paint job. -$30 or so. :lol:

Also need to fab up brackets for the seats too. That is something I may not be able to do myself unfortunatly, as I lack a miter saw.

I should post this on THe guys over there would get a kick out of it, heh :smiley:

Doooooo it! :lol:

Started off good…until the JB weld came out. Why not just have somebody weld it?


price man price, plus hes tryin to make something that people will laugh at more then the tercelica lmao lmao :lol:

-its articzap btw

Dood your boost gauge is up-side-down! Its gunna read boost backwards. You might want to fix that, don’t want to think your at vacuum when ur actually boosting yo.


dude, i’d be scared to see what you could build if you had lots and lots of money

as i’m truly frightened at what you can do with a mcbudget

UGH you can’t be serious with the JB weld?

Did you eat paint chips as a kid?


Just got the parts to upgrade the front brakes, plus more weight reduction. Pics to be posted later. Also going to attempt replacing the main and cam seal tonight. Assuming I can get the crank bolt off it looks pretty beat. :frowning:

Now for the bad news, I need it running for the track day next month and it’s needs to be reliable. This means the car will be N/A for at least the next month. As I won’t have enough time to test it all. :tdown:


i am sure you could have gotten someone to weld that for you for free.

I could have.

Want to weld the exhaust together? :wink:

what a fucking joke…