This years project: Slow & Ghey

Project Slo & Ghey underway

Dr. Seuss +1

Here /

This should definatly be fun. Once it’s together I’ll have a post up in the DIY section on how you too can boost a SHO in the most impractical manner possible. :slight_smile:

This will also include info on how to upgrade your brakes/suspension accordingly also.

Disclaimer for the politically correct (“What do you mean by ghey”) people:

Depending on your perception of ghey. It could have many meanings it could mean that the car itself has happy thoughts. Though that would assume that car itself has feelings. Which altough theoretically impossilble, could be held true by some car nuts, depending on how they treat their car.

Which if the above was assumed to be true it would mean my car would enjoy the following:

  1. Likes be be abused like a trailer-trash hick does to their 15 children.
  2. Enjoys it.
  3. Accepts the above as daily life.
  4. Is inhuman because it does enjoy being flogged all day long.

Of course a shaped piece of metal (or plastic if you own a saturn), has no feelings so we would be led to believe. So in that sense it could not be “ghey or gay” in either sense. Because:

  1. It has no feeling, and/or emotion. So it could be reasoned that it could not be happy because of the lack of emotion.
  2. Sexual orientation could not be determined, due to the lack of above. And the fact it can not express itself, without the input/output of a driver.

Now assuming you are in reference to sexual preference. This is further compunded by the fact that cars, regardless of what anyone has been told. Do NOT breed in the wild, public, private, or have any breeding behaviors what so ever. Usually the attempt by cars to breed usually results in a twisted hunk of metal that is further crushed into scrap shortly after. Infact technically it could almost be assumed it’s asexual reproduction as it does come from the same place. But regardless, it’s not from the car itself. And it can not make little baby “Tauri” on it’s own or with the help of other “Tauri”. So this would rule out anything in regards to sexual preference.

Or it could just mean that it’s so slow it would get hit in the rear before it could get out of it’s own way. Which would fall under the category of the title with the taurus being slow & ghey. As it uses a typical (stereotypical even) point of view to make reference to the fact the car is indeed slow. And ruling out any feeling/opinions of the car itself would meet all due requirements for this post. Thus’ further confusing everyone, and providing no real answers (Much like George W.) except for that of the title of this post.

Disclaimer: Not intended to direclly offend anyone, assumes you hold responsibility for your own actions. Also assumes you have a sense of humor which may or may not be something I would really care about because it’s probably 4 am and I’m not making much sense and or can’t spell all to well when tired. Also not responsible for loss of limbs, fire, explosion, pointy objects, cuts, burns, nuclear fission, more toasty plastic fun, decapitation, sore thumbs, limp wrists, flat tires, angry neighbors, unmowed lawns, fuzzy cheese, rice, etc. However if it does result in a positive outcome (ex. World peace, alternaive fuel source, turbo, florida breaking off from the US) I will gladly take credit. Otherwise just ignore this post if you feel it poses any risks mentally, and/or physically to your health.

AWESOME fuzzy, cant wait to see this thing man. im down to help as a return favor. just let me know man. :tup: and good luck

Btw, are you home now I tried to get ahold of you so I can get your O2/headlights done before mighty tonight.

supercharger + sho = slownghey project

I love the disclaimer

ill be home at 7ish, im stuck at school for now. if you cant make it tonite we might be buttoning it up next friday. i might try to sneak out of my next class early, and be home by 530is, ill call ya if thats the case, if not assume 630-7

no hood?

^ :snky:

Hole in hood, I’m not like that tard in the yellow mustang with his v5 of 8 “cammed” engine.

LOL i love that kid

I thought this was going to be a Rex project.

Superchaged SHO will be fun too.


one day when u walk around at mighty i will cut ur belt and laugh at u. jk devin this thing should be entertaining

lets make the most rediculous fiberglass hood scoop for that thing when its done, a reverse cowl FTW retrofit

That m90 ain’t got shit on what I have. That would be a wide friggin cowl. :lol:

:tup: Sweet! Can’t wait to see it when its done. Hope u got alot of spare tires cause all you’re gunna do is spin spin spin!!

nice man :D…hardcore DIY!

That rules ass.:tup:

thats why i didn’t quit goodyear yet :lol:

i’m kind of curious how much boost its gonna make with him running the stock pully. hopefully the SHO crank pulley is smaller than the cobra’s because thats a lot of blower at higher than stock rpm :slight_smile: it will be a fun learning expierence thats for sure.

+1 for toasted clutch, brakes, and pistons

edit: ^ in that order too

i love the disclaimer

disclaimer > *

gl w/ the project devin! let me know if you need help, even tho i can’t even help myself lol.