Those who can do do, those who can't are travis

In our line of work-if you go from turning wrenches to being a service advisor (aka pee-on) you are not good at diagnosing, wrenching or anything automotive. Believe mew if your good you make more than the service advisors, yea i know. Travis seriously, your a loser, we meet people like you all the time, If you were good at working on race cars you would have been picked up by a race team. But instead your bouncing from job to job claiming to be “good” at what you do. If you were good you would have a sweet car, that ran and was used soley to go to the track with. Or possibly a ride with a team? Or how about you cant put down laps to save your life and i’ll put cash money on it. Any time you want to go lap for lap let me know. BTW troyer chassis? come on man, again your comparing dirt racing to tarmac? Get real.
Sorry thread got locked before this could be said.

I don’t like the Rangers

To all for the future posts

Just remember swearing and caps lock will get you nowhere further, and will only cause this to get out of hand even more.

There is no reason we can’t have a reasonable debate on this matter.

Travis try to prove your point in a rational matter, srsly.

You made some statements, this is your chance to back them up.

Obviously some people feel strong enough about them, that they post about it even after sleeping on it.

Don’t make me send you guys to different corners :nono

Enjoy :lol

Oh and

Three post rule is in affect. If three different members in a row express their desire to end the thread by locking it, it will get locked

you broke that rule in the original thread… “IBTL” is not a request to lock it. :nono

Everyone wants to be like Timmay ;D

Juducial call ruled it to be a request to lock :ninja

I lika do da cha cha


This is an interesting statement, I have to partially agree with Tom. When I was turning wrenches, it was not uncommon for me to bill 24 hours labor in a 10 hour day. Travis is stuck in middle management, which is not a place I’d brag about being. I owned the place I worked at and it just got old, dealing with distributors, customers and employees all being assholes wears you out. Someone made me a generous offer, the kind that would mean I don’t have to work again, so it seemed the optimal time take the money and run. There is a lot of money to be made repairing cars, but when stuck in middle management your very limited in the direction you can go, you either wait till someone above you moves on or an opening making more appears elsewhere. As a tech, the more proficient you become the more you make, you bust your ass, bill more labor; the down side is if things slow down it impacts you directly, in a half assed way it’s like being your own small business.

Anyone can be trained to sell, in particular in a dealership environment. Very few last as long as Tom has as a tech, love him or hate him he’s a survivor in an unforgiving business, that in itself says a lot.

I lean like a cholo :banana :rofl

To play devils advocate, being a service advisor is a MUCH easier job than being a tech. It requires less stress, less thought and less worry about if enough cars will come in today to make a full pay check. And when you write up a horrible ticket your not the one that has to dig into that 1980 POS with a 20 hour transmission job that will take even the best techs a good 10. You write two sentences, sell the $3000 dollar job and than count your commission. Course I as a tech don’t envy Service advisors in the least bit, but thats just me.

Edit: We have a parts guy here that used to be a tech and he is new to the parts end of things so going through the film and all that can take a little longer but he sure does speed things up when your looking for some obscure part that came from something you have never took apart before. So his knowledge helps everyone he interacts with and lets him do his job much easier and better than someone without tha knowledge, and I can only assume the same would go for a service advisor that didn’t have to ask how to reset the tire pressure monitoring system.

Lets see if we can beat the previous record of 10 pages, in 8 hours :lol

Other than that…:

im drugged up on litocaine, hydrocodone and ibuprophen right now and cant feel my right arm.

1stgen, i dont care what you think. you are entitled to your opinion, but i find it funny that at your age you havent outgrown the 9th grade attitude. you are what, 36-37 yrs old on here bickering with some people half your age? dude grow up. my life doesnt revolve around what u, or anyone else here thinks of me. i got more important issues to deal with than your “holier than thou” thought process. i dont work flat rate, i never went to college and i dont claim to be gods gift to the automotive industry, BUT what i can tell you is i learn by actually doing my jobs, i make 40-50k/yr in my profession and im not a grease monkey doin it. im now done with this thread and going back to my narcotic induced coma… good day all.

not to be a dick but troyer does make asphalt cars thats what half the asphalt modifieds r. trust me my family use to run all troyers asphalt and dirt

THATS your defense?


Like i said in previous post…he has no recourse.
Age? has nothing to do with explaining how the world works to a younger person. Oh…wait…yes it does.

Sorry about that troyer comment-but they’re still “oval” cars.

lol idfc just sayin i knew what u were sayin

i do the chacha like a …sissy girl :crackup

whats with all the bashing threads lol?

He makes all that money and still needed his mommy to write checks to payoff his debt and use her credit card to pay repair bills…yet he’s the one picking on people for parental financial aid :haha

Carry on…