Those who have been to Quaker City...

What’s that track like? I wanna take a trip out there for a test and tune, but I wanna make sure it’s worth my time. Is it a better track than PRP?
I’ll undoubtedly get the “why bother with a Cavalier” comments, but I want opinions on that track.

Thanks guys.

Track used to be better than prp. Its gone down hill since dan has decided to try and sell the place. I have had some of my best 60’s there and also the worse all in the same day due to improper track prep.

I’ve only been there twice, but i usually get a better short time as well, but a slower trap speed and ET.

I dont like the way it is setup, … the up hill approach to the line, the what seems like tight lanes and it just seems mummbled jumabled to me… just doesnt float my boat…

why bother with a neon??
V8 V6 Inline 4… its all the same, only thing that matters is the sport, you dont need a special car to compete.

so fuck those fucking fuckers that fuckin talk fuckin shit :mrT:

if you think saying that was hard why not try saying it 3 times fast! :beer:

i like the burn out box better,

track is ok though i went out there one night cause i wanted a 100mph club sticker.

ill be making a few trips there as soon as i get my rims for the slicks… its the only one i can go to… prp’s tnt nights are on nights that i work late…


I like it alot. I think its layed out really slick so that the staging lanes never get crazy, the pits are nice, and the uphill waterbox is nice for FWD pieces of total fucking shit to actually do a burnout in…instead of PRP were the shit is down hill and you gotta hop on the brakes just so you don’t roll the shit half track. but maybe im just used to salem…

I like quaker, more runs for the money!

better than prp

we have a track rental there on sunday sept 11

8 hours for $30

Great track, nice prep.

no0b post!:kekegay:

no doubt, getting what you pay for makes a huge differance, even if its an hour further down the raod.

hahah two years ago I won the 6 cylinder shoot out at quaker city with my supra, won 250 cash and 500 gift certificate, then like a drunken idiot got caught by 5 cops turfing the lawn, and after a couple hours of sitting in a room with the owner they decided to just make me pay it all back instead of giving me vandalism charges…in one hand and out the other. ya i realize im retarded.

yes…yes you are… :rofl:

hahah brad i do believe you were there to witness the even were you not ?

Why would you turf the lawn? :nuts:

redneck celebration? :dunno:

i do like the burnout box better and the track prep is ok it used to be alot better but now they have younger kids watching the track so the prep has gone down a bit. but its still not that bad. and its actually a little quicker for me to get to quaker city then it is to get to prp.