thoughts on garrett 4294r??

it is soo damn pricy, i never even bought a car that cost that damn much…

rumor has it you were going all motaa!?

buy now feel bad about it later… .

go all motor

all motor ftl

interesting… can you get a compressor map for it? ----> compressor map ----> turbine map

possibly both,…

uh oh…double trouble in '07

and I thought I was sick for thinking of > 35R?

and I thought I was sick for thinking of > 42R?

wow… those are some heavy breathin hair dryers!!! Both my alltrac plots I did were way in surge… your going to need to do some big flow adjusting for a 2.0l.

…those are some big back housing a/r numbers too. :confused:

its a proven formula!!!
now its a toss up between the gt4294r or gt4294

its a 650 dollar differance 1350 and 1995

650 for a ballbearing options… yikes. AND if you send metal through it, say if the motor pops, BB centers are NOT cheap to replace.

You allmost have to go ball bearing at your displacement. Do you have the ability to antilag and no lift to shift?

not really,

i can prob do the no lift shit,

Im not scared about spool time, ill leave at 10,000 rpm as for as im concerned

i found the turbo for $900 cheaper

XSPower or SS Autochrome :kekegay:

no a garrett gt4294 for 1100