thread about flowers, teddybears, and scented candles




fag you just want to see some dudes balls


fag you just want to see some dudes balls


im busted


fag you just want to see some dudes balls


everyone knows they wanted to say it but did not want to for fear of being called gay :eekdance:

Pics or ban
Thanks for wasting my 10 seconds

I saw two of the videos, HILARIOUS!!





Easy there, Bladez Jr.


a freind of mine tried to teabag me once… he got pwned.


didja bite it?

Ok…someone PM this video if you dont want to openly post this. I beleive after as long as I have known the …um…assaulted? I have clearance :smiley: LOL MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH I heard about this tonight and I felt bad that really sucks balls, literally


that was funny as hell, then he got the hose and didn’t move. Howie knocked him out good.


Well, if 5 of you wrestling me at the same time was fair, what else was I gonna do. lol

I’m suprised the water from the hose joe decided to “spritz” him with didn’t wake him up, but a nutsack 3 inches from his face did.

hahahahahaha I wasn’t wrestling you…you were like a Giant Panda…so docile yet clumsy :stuck_out_tongue: it’s all fun and games till Matt gets knocked the fuck out.

wheres the pics?

no vid/pics = ban

in that case i am glad i didnt make this thread…now i have no fear of being banned

Anyone who mentions bannings will get banned.

You just mentioned it, you’re gonna be banned.

Sorry to jump on the banned wagon so late. Were you wearing a head banned when you teabagged him? Was he wearing a bannedana? I hope so.

Hey, I hear Newman’s playing in a new banned!

OT: I ran out of Old Spice, has anyone tried this?


a freind of mine tried to teabag me once… he got pwned.


that could have been one of the greatest nights of my life.

“Dude…did he just kill toner?”
“who the fuck just threw a knife at my head?”

ban me, i dare you. ill shut this mutha down

^^^ owwwwwwww mang got “BALLS” lol anyways what is up with tea-baggin? i could see you doing it to a girl, but the guy to guy thing kind of makes it pointless.