Throwing rocks.

The other day I was walking down the road when I saw this little kid skipping rocks out into the lake. I started thinking about those poor rocks.
One moments they’re sitting there in the sun, all warm and rocky, then the next they’re flying through the air and then suddenly sinking into the cold, dark, depths of the lake.

Before I knew what was happening an intense, burning anger overcame me. I said “Hey little kid, how would you like it if I picked you up and tossed you out into the cold lake?”

Tears welled up in his little kid eyes and he kind of whimpered back “I’m sorry, but I wouldnt like it at all sir”.
And you know what? I believed him.

And it turns out the little shit was right. He cried the whole time he was in the air, but as he sank I bet he was thinking “I’ll tell those rocks I’m sorry when I get to the bottom”.

lol, wtf…



Im still a little wet…why did you have to throw me in the lake?!


i though ur gonna talk about throwing rocks into lake with multiple splashes…

howd you get him to sink? bwa haha

pffffffffft :lol:

think of the bright side, during the winter, those rocks are warmer at the bottom of the lake.

That sounded like a Jahck handy fuzzy memory.

Now that is truely “deep thoughts”.:lol:

Edit; Rob beat me to it.

hrm… wow

Deep thoughts and fuzzy memories are some of the funniest shit to sit and read.

Good thread.

Next time try out - Air. Who else is breathing it?

Ok ok, I’m done fucking with Mingle, for today.

