Tiger "Billion Dolla" Woods

You have your opinions, I have mine. When I happen across a story that Woods played like shit and got himself a 4th place, it tends to stick out in my mind. I expect the most sweated golfer on the planet to be battling for 1st and maybe get 2nd. Like I said before, I can’t sweat a man that can’t do that.

i actually don’t own a civic. i haven’t for a while and just don’t care enough to change my user name.

either way, your brain doesn’t work. he’s been the best player in golf for at least the past decade but he’s not consistent enough for you? brilliant.

Do you realize MJ would have to average like 100pts per game to equal Tigers accomplishments? (I pulled that number from my ass but you get the idea)

Just making the PGA is harder than any other pro sport. How many of the thousands of pro golfers have won more than 2 tourneys their entire career?

When Tiger plays like shit he gets a 4th place finish.
When other players play like shit they go home on Friday.

Do you realize how many players in the world play their absolute best and aren’t even on the radar come Sunday?

Unless you play the sport (I’m not talking weekend warriors here), it’s much more difficult to really grasp how dominant he actually is.

the retard in this thread is strong

edit: geoff is dead on an above average golfer wins 1 out of 5 or 6 starts tiger wins one out of every 2 starts…yeah but he isnt light years ahead of the field

[QUOTE=Blue Eyed Devil;1488063]Do you realize MJ would have to average like 100pts per game to equal Tigers accomplishments? (I pulled that number from my ass but you get the idea)


WOW! now that is a retarded statement. You do realize basketball is a team sport. Jordan was the most dominate and clutch basketball player of all time. I guess 2 gold medals, 6 rings, 6 finals MVP’s, 5 reg season MVP’s, 10 scoring titles, Rookie of the year, defensive player of the year, and 14 NBA All Star games mean nothing?? No one compares to him on the hardwood. Now in terms of greatest athlete of all time then you could argue Tiger, Roger, A-Rod, etc.

Jordan also won 2 slam dunk competitions…

Even though I hate Tiger, I can agree is he is definitely a great golfer, probably best ever.

Roger, assuming you mean Roger Federer, I can’t argue with this either.

But A-Rod… Really??? Greatest athlete of all time… :meh2:

Federer is the best athlete comparison. You just can’t judge team athletes vs. individual athletes.

Conclusion of the thread:

And he’s also very good at golf.

I admit I have never even watched a basketball game because I find it painfully boring. Sorry for the comparison. I will think of a better one.

I can’t stand tiger, but his game on the Wii is fun as hell!
Especially when drinking.

My retard detector went off…then I saw who was posting…

I feel some of what A-Rod is today was just manufactured early in his career. A top tier athlete playing a team sport shouldn’t need to have opposing players steal “signs” and “plays” for him so he looks better, then he just turns around and returns the favor at his ball clubs expense.

WOW. I’m sure the money his investments bring in more than covers his cost of living tho. I cannot fathom having that much money…insane.


I love the “tiger woods if overrated” bandwagon. There’s one in every sport’s fanbase. MMA, for example, has the #1 ranked HW Fedor Emelianenko, and people will always say “blah blah he’s not the best etc.” You definitely have to think about it, if he isn’t the top of the tier then who is? No one comes even close to Woods, he’s put in his time and has a natural ability. If he’s not number 1 then everyone else isn’t even top ten.

I wonder if Floyd Mayweather Jr will ever break the 1 billion mark. I think he consistently makes $25-50 million per fight nowadays.