Timbaland, 50, Mary J are all ....

ALBANY, New York (AP) – A number of entertainers were named in connection with an Albany-based steroid investigation, but they are not part of an ongoing criminal probe, according to a published report.

Mary J. Blige is among the people allegedly said to have received or used performance-enhancing drugs.

The Times Union of Albany cited unidentified law enforcement officials in reporting Sunday that R&B music star Mary J. Blige, rap musicians 50 Cent, Timbaland and Wyclef Jean, and award-winning author and producer Tyler Perry may have received or used performance-enhancing drugs.

Law enforcement officials have said evidence does not indicate that the celebrities broke the law, but that investigators are focusing on doctors, pharmacists and clinics that provide the drugs.

Albany District Attorney P. David Soares launched the investigation into steroid trafficking last year.

Soares is “not confirming, denying or discussing any of the names” involved in the investigation, said spokeswoman Heather Streeter Orth.

A spokeswoman for Blige denied the singer had taken illegal steroids.

Ken Sunshine, a spokesman for Tyler Perry, declined to comment.

There was no response to calls Sunday and Monday seeking comment from representatives of other entertainers.

Soares’ multistate investigation has focused on Signature Pharmacy of Orlando, Florida. So far, 10 defendants have pleaded guilty and news reports have linked some professional athletes to Soares’ probe.

Soares has said Signature was at the center of a web of businesses and doctors that illegally wrote prescriptions for steroids. Authorities raided the company almost a year ago and its owners and operators are awaiting trial in Albany on related charges.

Records shared with the Times Union and information from several cooperating witnesses on Long Island allege the celebrities received prescribed human growth hormone or steroids, the newspaper said.

The newspaper said that Blige received the human growth hormone Jentropin and Oxandrolone, an anabolic steroid, in orders sent to her at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Her spokeswoman denounced the report. “Mary J. Blige has never taken any performance enhancing illegal steroids,” Karynne Tencer told The Daily News.

Former Sen. George Mitchell released a report last month on performance-enhancing drugs in baseball. That report said former Mets clubhouse attendant Kirk Radomski provided steroids and human growth hormone linked to several prominent players. Radomski pleaded guilty last year to charges that he dealt steroids to players for a decade.

Congressional hearings are to begin this month on the Mitchell report.


it real does not bother me they can do what thay want, do not know why the media is making a big deal out of [SIZE=2][COLOR=black]juice[/COLOR][/SIZE]

JESUS, change the font color


thread fail - change color

who fucking cares… jeez… it means less than nothing, its a waste of money reporting and following up on it.

I was going to say it but you already said it at the bottom of your post. Ahhh wtf well then i fuckinf agree. Maybe it is only because im a meathead wannabe bodybuilder but i just cant stand the way once the media gets ahold of something like “STEROIDS” it seems like we just go into some type of witch hunt frenzy. Shit i mean come on if these people want to use them then who the fuck cares. If they suffer long term effects then boo hoo it is their own fault. Nobody is freaking out that smokers are killing themselves by the millions to ingest tasty cigs lol.

I don’t understand why they would go after these people about steroids…

Its not giving them some unfair competitive advantage like in sports…

I can’t wait for “Study shows rappers smoke marijuana”

i like black text :gotme:

they dont

i thought you were gonna say they were all black

How could you deny you werent if you were 50 or Timba…those dudes are friggin jacked. 50 has been jacked since he has been “famous” but Timba got HUGE quick.

But in reality…who cares about this when OMG Britney Spears lost the custody of her kids and her 16 yr old sister is preggars and the bf bailed…like OMG.

Now you know how Prince balled so hard.

award-winning author and producer Tyler Perry may have received or used performance-enhancing drugs.

Writing cramp’s a bitch. I don’t blame him.

I havent seen pics of timberland in his said jacked state but not all jacked people use steriods lol.
Ive seen roids give some great results but you cant just shoot some roids and wake up huge. Alot of work still goes in to getting as big as some of these guys do(not 50 or tim im saying like pro bbers) I dont plan to ever try them so i wont really know how big of a difference they make i guess. OMG the sisters babydaddy left. NO WAY thats funny as hell.

I have never seen Timbaland but if you didn’t know 50 was juiced you probably didn’t know he is black either.

everybody uses roids. government cant profit off of them so they are illegal.

Why would you just assume 50 was juicing i dont get it. Not saying he isnt but he is hardly big enough to declare he is juicing.
