Time to get serious, Kserious

Looks like a guaranteed piece of shit.

I keed. I <3 this vehicular traveling device.


looks good. Good luck with it. See you for KOTS :wink:

This car will haul, really can’t wait to see it together/help get it together. A big part of me hopes I’m still around here when you make the first passes :hug

Lots and lots of homo

You tell your parents to shut their whore mouths

Always loved this car, will be nice to see her up and going again with some ballss

Haha yah wel see what happens, I gotta learn how to drive first.

If only I could actually say that too my parents… my dads already going to kill me because of how much oil I’ve gotten on the garage floor :banghead:banghead:banghead

boosted kseries are no joke seen one down at atco this year it was just a sweet setup

Cannot WAIT to drive this thing.

I remember these days. However my dad use to circle any spot with permanent marker then tell me to clean it.

Nice Build!!

as long as its done for the siena show lmfao :rofl

I was considering letting you drive it when it was N/A but after last nights texts/facebook activity… definitely never

Any tips on cleaning the oil spots?

Thanks man

Forgot to put that in my goals… if I win a big trophy, Im gonna see if I can’t start crying on stage.

Got some good news today, my new block should be here on monday.

stop making up events ya silly mullet head

sorry. The mullet interferes with my brain.

that mullet, damn! ok… sooooo, ill see u at the KOTS

Whenever you want that engine stand LMK. I won’t ever use it again unless my motor blows… Which unfortunately is a likely scenario.

I miss this car when it was B-series. It was a fun swap to K-series too.

I believe this car was owned by more Shift member than any other car… It deserves a trophy, or “Shift Whore” sticker.

Only 3 members. Not bad.

I’m actually using lances engine stand right now… thanks though dude. Why might your motor blow up?

Haha… I wasn’t kidding when I called her a dirty whore.