Time to vent on your ex gf thread

Yeah you know my 88 Cutlass, i’m glad its gone, everything about that car is her. I took her virginity in the back seat the day before it got stolen. You know why, cuase she’s a whore. thats right. Right now that car is probably some hollow shell in a junk yard just like her heart, because just like that car, i’m not in it. Yeah the bitch had problems in her life but she didn’t need to crush me. I shoulda learned, i took someone 700 miles away to wake my ass up to the reality of that cunt. Really i was fine, hadn’t had any contact with her since april and out of the blue she says hi and wants to know how i am when she knew she would reply with all that shit. Why does she even care how i am if she is soooo happy? Fuckin bitch, really, who turns down 90K when they are 20 fuckin years old. WHAT a LYING BITCH. See ya later ho, I hope you get hit by a hurricane when you move to FL and its fuckin hurricane (BEE OHH Muthaphuckin BEE) Bob. That would be some poetic justice.

oh yeah, nic-ho, i hope you are cursed the rest of your life with hot smelly bags of flaming poo on your porch every night.

You’re high-strung arn’t you.

no not really. i’m as laid back as a front bucket seat in a pimp’s 78 cordoba. I just think flamin bags of poop are funny, who thinks of that as a prank?!?!

this is such an odd thread…um…leave it off the board :dunno:

round and round we go, when it stops…is when you don’t slip in comments like that

2 reasons why this is ok

  1. i knew by puttin my personal info on here it was subject to ridicule and negative comments. i choose to do so anyway and not be upset if there was something i didn;t like but take it for what people had to offer, good and bad.

  2. my ex isn’t a board member.

I thing you two should have make up sex.

…and I’m not talking about you and your ex, I’m saying you and kurt… :finger:

:dunno: my 6 yr relationship X girl and i are best friends… :dunno:

why should he leave it off the board? If you dont have anything to add, might I suggest you refrain from commenting.

now thats the cutty i know


:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: thats funny shit. its cool Cutty.


It’s just some bitch… You WILL find another… This is the easiest and hardist lesson learned in life.

Dont be such a pussy.



every other post by cutty is about some lying backstabbing ho that broke his heart. WE GET THE IDEA THAT YOU ARE HEARTBROKEN could you just let it die and move on for christs sake. not only do we have to deal with all the drama going on, but we also have to listen to some dude cry about a girl every day. :rant: :rant: :rant: :lockd:

NO bitch is worth crying over… THERE ARE MILLIONS OF GIRLS EVERYWHERE. :hitit:


Dont even get me started on marriage. What a joke

(All you married guys relax. Marriage was your decision, and i just happen to disagree with it. That doesnt mean i hate you or am offending your family. I love all of you the same)



I love being married :dunno:

I know a lot of people that don’t like the idea of marriage but marriage works for me and doesn’t work for others.

i respect your feelings, but its not the thing for me. (imagine that) :down: