Time Warner Cable Tech's Are Teh SUCK

telling them that they are lying is unnecessary and completely cockfacish of you, don’t see how you can deny that. Telling them so helped accomplish absolutely nothing and was only said by you cause you weren’t happy. I’m not ragging on you for it. Just making a simple observation which you are denying for some reason. No big deal, cockface :rofl

If it makes you happy, I was a dick then. I however observed shitty work from a technician and what it sounded like on the phone a customer service rep. coming up with more excuses then solutions to fix the problem. End of story.

this is a lame topic LOL I thought it was going to be some story like “tech broke my computer and set my kitchen on fire trying to install roadrunner for me”

but really, i agree that if they are saying sorry, and your being a cockface back sayin " YOUR NOT SORRY" LOL thats def being a cockface and not necessary

also, another thing thats really lame to say/do/act/whatever is the whole “omg i had such a long and tiring stressful day” bro we all have long tiring stressfull days LOL how is that time warners fault, did you think about how stressfull and long/tiring of a day customer service reps have ? I think u do some telemarketing stuff idk but if thats it then u should def know LOL

also imagine wat u would ahve to say if they told u flatout “i dont care, im not sorry” LOL


I never said to the guy I had a bad day or vent about me having a bad day. I expressed my dissatisifaction with the technician that was at my house because if you didn’t know, they do ask “what did they do?” Before you assume and type away the crazy shit you blab out, give some more thought before you try calling me a cock face.

To add, what does my job have anything to do with this? I’m in an entirely different field then a customer service rep. at Time Warner. Again, thanks for that assumption.

Often times that’s exactly the case. When I had my “All-In-One” package installed it was by a sub-contractor. Not to say that they do shotty work but it can happen. I would calmly ask the Time Warner customer service rep or supervisor to either pay for damges to your trim or give you a break on your bill.

I didn’t even really ask for a discount or anything. I simply just asked that I wanted everything fixed. The supervisor was cool as hell. He said he would personally come out to fix everything and at no charge. I was happy.

cockface :rofl:rofl

cockface again

To be honest a good approach to avoid this whole situation would have been to schedule the tech at a time when you could have been there. BUT im sure you learned your lesson in this case…

You prolly had that saved in your porn folder.

Beating off to cable men FTL.

wow where the hell did you come out of the wood work!?

I will second JR… I had these guys come in last monday and install my shit.

I called up 3 weeks prior and set up the appt. They told me that the earliest they could do the install was FIRST thing monday morning, I said that would be great, if they could get to my house first thing IE 8:00 AM that would be great. They said yes, and I was first out.

Mind you, I live 4 minutes from the time warner building at AlpinHaus in amsterdam. 10:00 rolls around, I call them asking where the hell the tech is. they said, I agreed to a 8:00a-NOON time frame! I said NO, I agreed to first out, as in this guy should have been here no later than 8:15 and that will give him time to get a coffee from Stewarts too!

Pissed off #1.

The guys show up at 11:20! He asked me how many computers I had, and where… I already knew where that was going. I said, I have a degree in networking and will handle the internet, please install the modem in the basement where the feed comes in and i will take it from there. I already had the coax and ethernet ran and all hanging on the floor joist where the old feed came in the house, and I have the matching wall plates already for you at each room. They do all the simple shit down in the basement in half an hour or so, and come up to install my tuner/DVR box.

I walk in and see the cable box, thrown on my Italian leather soaf, pointed edge pressing right into the leather! I kindly ask him not to put any thing on the leather furnature. I also see wet foot prints across the new hardwood floors. I asked they guy to kindly take his boots off if they are going to walk into the house. (I worked with my fathers constuction company for years, I allways took my boots/shoes off when I went into someones house. respect)

Pissed off #2.

Now they are installing the wall plates. Keep in mind I already told them I had the plates. The one dude comes in after looking in the truck for 10 mins and told me all he had were double wall plates and they would be fine but only one would work. I said, I already mentioned I had the wall plates, single ones. So at this point it is like 12:15 and I was suposed to be at work 2 hours ago. I also already had the HDMI going into my reciever and hanging out where I made space for the cable box in my stand. They install the box and the picture is bouncing. They blamed me (which I figured they would) for the HDMI and they only support component connections and it must be my reciever. Fine, I play along and switch the HDMI straight into the TV. Still bounces. At this point, I just wanted to get them out of the house… and I say then throw on the component cables and see if it works. Yep it worked fine, so I figured it was my messy wireing and interference in the HDMI and said I will take care of it later.

They pack up to leave. and say see ya later. I had to remind them that they needed to recieve a check from me! “Ohh yeah, good thing you reminded me”. I hand them the check, and they walk out. I go back to the tv to take a look at my HDMI problem, and see the guys PALM device on my coffee table! I look out side just as they pull out of the driveway. No I have to call back time warner, wait on hold, talk to some tool and finally get them to call these guys back to get their PALM back. Another 20 minute call, then wait around another 20 minutes for them to get back. I told the guy on the phone that I would not be waiting around, as I was already late for work and they were late getting here, and stayed well past their 8a-noon time frame… if they want their shit back, it is in my mailbox.

Pissed off #3,4 & 5.

Yea man, their tech’s are something else. Their supervisors don’t put up with any crap though. They were out RIGHT AWAY and on MY TIME to rectify everything.

those guys are contractors and not actual employees of TW. They will be hit or miss. Thankfully every one I’ve had has been awesome.

Good call. I’m not sure if the first tech was an actual TW employee or if he was subcontracted.

the contractor that came to my house wanted to run everything shitty and said if i wanted it run “nice” i would have to call an electrician. They wanted to drill holes in my red oak floor instead of hookin up to the cable box that you can get to from the opposite side of the wall in the closet, but nooo. I ran the shit myself pretty much, he just hooked up the line on the pole that was allready there and turned on the cable box and did whatever he had to do with registering it.