if people used their fucking heads we could put all the big business people in our pockets, not the other way around. Power in numbers is probably about the strongest forces known to man.
Just take my amsterdam TWC branch. I have hundreds of friends on FB, living in amsterdam that pay TWC. They have hundereds of friends who do too. Make a “we hate TWC in amsterdam” FB group. Get a few thousand of people to follow it. Pick a date, and everyone bombards the branch with “I want to leave and go to dish, your too expensive.” then post up how much they got deducted from their bill. It will show the favoritisim from the managment in who gets what. Unfair business practice. And it will without a doubt make for a shitty work day for managment, and maybe they will address it to regional or higher. AND it will put some profit loss on the chart for them.
it takes effort, something 99:100 people dont put forth.