Time Warner to begin charging monthly fees to use their modems

You love to argue, lol.
Thats a pretty far fetched/rediculous analogy anyway.

On a related note…We Have TWC for phone, cable and internet. It used to be close to $200/month. Because of where we live, we really have no other viable options for those services. I’m assuming TWC doesn’t particularly know that because, a few months ago we complained about the cost and they automatically reduced it by $15. A couple months later we complained some more and mentioned abut going to satellite and they reduced it another $50. I now pay $134 for the same service that I was paying close to $200 for last year.

good me too!

why is that?

buying car = buying twc service
radio = modem
unicorn fee = unicorn fee

its the same shit. How about National Grid decides to charge me for the meter on my house monthly. Or I could go buy my own and install it to waive the fee. Is that a little less far fetched?

Yea man, that’s all it takes. When you call in, press the button for “cust service/cust care”.


how is that any different than a mass of people calling in service calls left and right to protest their opinion of being over charged?

If everyone right now did that he did, called and bitched and got a deduction, it could spread like wild fire and force them to drop the price. I mean if Joe got it I should be given the same oppertunity and get it too. X100000 people and they are forced to drop the prices, or their would be so flooded with pissed off callers they would be forced into a stand still.

thats if the people bitching actually get off their ass to do something.

LOL, That already happens everyday dude. It’s no secret.

if people used their fucking heads we could put all the big business people in our pockets, not the other way around. Power in numbers is probably about the strongest forces known to man.

Just take my amsterdam TWC branch. I have hundreds of friends on FB, living in amsterdam that pay TWC. They have hundereds of friends who do too. Make a “we hate TWC in amsterdam” FB group. Get a few thousand of people to follow it. Pick a date, and everyone bombards the branch with “I want to leave and go to dish, your too expensive.” then post up how much they got deducted from their bill. It will show the favoritisim from the managment in who gets what. Unfair business practice. And it will without a doubt make for a shitty work day for managment, and maybe they will address it to regional or higher. AND it will put some profit loss on the chart for them.

it takes effort, something 99:100 people dont put forth.

man you should be a cult leader or something…every post you have involves other people doing your plan…why not do it yourself and stop posting about it? if you dont like the fees…dont pay them. if you dont like time warner, dont pay them to provide a service. when you sign up for service thats all your getting, they rent you equipment to use it or you can buy your own. same with cell phones…you pay a service then need to buy a device to use it. time warner, same with cell phone carries do not lose money like you think they do when they lower someones bill. the structure and network is already built you are just paying for a service, which is their profit.

This is pretty much true, although my company provides the BW for a bunch of cell towers for Verizon in our area. They pay us a monthly fee for the BW. So there is still overhead, but I am sure they are still making plenty of money.

oh yes there is still the tower rentals and stuff, but there arent many new builds going on…the network is there already.

gimmick… the point flew right over your head didnt it?

their little $4 fee is in essense a monopolistic move. You are already on the boat out to sea, and now they want to charge you for the life vest.

Imposing new fees well after the fact is just bullshit. If they do this what stopping them from imposing a fee for $8 a month if you are forced to use something else they already sold you. Or next year saying the new modems are more expansive for them than 2012 and the fee is $15 a mo now.

this really isnt a hard concept. If you get shit on once and do nothing about it, you will get shit on again.

And I am not running a cult, I am expressing my ideas and hopefully opening up peoples minds to ventrue how they see fit. Are political protests marching up State St in albany a clut too??? No, its people fed up for one reason or another trying to make a change… while everyone else sits on thier ass and reads about it in the news.

and its nothing like a cell phone and a phone plan.

You are either given a free phone as a perk to sign on, or you are buying one at the same time yourself. so you are already to the point that TWC WANTS TO BE AT in a month. Which is fine and dandy, becasue you singed up for that right from the get go. it didnt change out of the blue like TWC is.

Buy a modem, stop crying. /THREAD

grow a set and get off your ass to stand up for yourself, your family, friends and neighbors.

I dont enjoy being walked on time and time again becasue you bent over the first time and they assume you will the next. It could be $.04, $.40, $4.00 or $4,000 your dealing with, the concept is still the same.

“Standing up” and buying a modem would be more of a kick in the nuts to the company. They’d lose out on an extra ~$50 a year…

I can guarentee they will waste more than $50 a year; in gas for thier Chevy 1500 vans driving to my house for service calls, their employees pay to do so, their employees pay to process referbishments, and the company charging them for the 12 referbishments a year.

Hell ill pay thaty $50 a year for the enjoyment factor of fucking with them. Seems like good entertainment to me.

Trust me, Time Warner Cable doesn’t give one fuck about what you do.

good arguement:rofl

You obviously missed the point where TWC missing out on $50 wasnt worth shit. You’re being made fun of, is that hard to understand? You cry more than any other member on here, christ. I cant tell if it’s funny, or annoying.


becaue I take a little time out of my ohh so busy day here sitting at my desk to take what COSSEY started, and run with it… I am somehow crying? I totally understand that $50 to a company that nets almost half a BILLION quarterly is pissing into the wind. I never said it was going to be a epic change in unitedstates history. Also like I said the $ figure isnt the point. I am arguing over you telling yourself and everyone else to be a push over and gently continue to take it up the ass.

Go sell some 3rd world energy drink, make millions and prove me wrong again.

BTW, this has all been a time passer for me… I could give 2 shits if a lick of any of this pans out at all. ysosrs?