TWC self install own modem at new residence. Is it possible?

Bought a new house, previous owner had Time Warner, connection is still active. Is it possible for me to connect and activate my new modem over the phone? Time Warner says they have to send a tech out and charge me $50 for something I’m more than capable of doing.

You should be able to call and give them your address and the MAC address of the cable modem.

TWC didn’t charge me when they set it up. They told me they had to come out and activate the service… all he did was plug in the modem and called to give the MAC address.
there was also some problem too about since I used the modem on Buffalo TWC that they had to do something extra to make it work on Roc TWC.

Nope. They had to come out when I signed up. Wouldn’t allow me to plug in the cable modem an give them the info.

If they do require a tech I’m sure threatening to switch to DSL or Fios would get that $50 waived.

If the cable is hooked up with no filters etc they let you move your own shit.

I have done it twice now and it had nothing to do with the fact I worked there.

I only have internet. No TV or phone. I paid $29.99 per month and have my own modem. Install was free but I did have someone come out and schedule it which took two weeks.

same here…i had all the wires ran so all he did was plug shit in and call in the numbers…then a month later i bought my own modem and called the numbers in