times have changed

was looking through pictures and found this. Thought it was kinda funny, that all but 2 of these cars have either been sold, burned:lol or traded



the remainder of which should be burned, sold, or traded.

Who owned the Civic hatch? That sticker placement is awesome. :lol

Swifty did, he still lurks on occasion.

DJ placed the stickers for every rust spot or blemish on the car while the civic was at the valley :rofl

Ah, there’s my wrx when I had the BBS’s on it.

Haha yesss, there are only two cars in those pics that are still around. I miss my white car :frowning:

sickkkkkkkk pink rims

buy another K

DJ wasn’t the only one :rofl

We also stickered it up when it was in the parking lot of Colonie Center the night F&F4 came out! :rofl

is that his g/f’s car? i see what looks to be it with his g/f in it at hvcc all the time

Gay pink rimsssss

god DAMMIT do i miss that altima :frowning:

From what I heard he drives a CRV and she drives his old hatch

she just drives it, he drives the mommy mobile