Tips on Sand blasting

I am considering getting a sand blaster as i have about 5-10 things here that could use some cleaning up (3 trailers, 4 shelving units, tonka trucks, etc). I would like to do it myself, and was wondering if anyone had any experience with it, and could offer advice on what I will need, and where to get it. Also, if anyone has some instructional material I could read on it, that would be great. Currently looking at a 10lb pressure pot, but before I decide, I would like some feedback. Thanks

you need a BIG compressor to do any blasting.

Harbor freight has a nice 12cfm 60 gallon 220V single phase one for $400…cant beat the price and its a quality unit

A cabinet is easier to use, not MESSY AS HELL, and it recycles the blasting media.

Pressure pots suck a dick. I had 2. For doing a trailer it would be necessary… but I would recommend electrolysis for heavy rust removal. Blasting heavy rust is very difficult and time consuming. You can use a old pool liner, build a wood fence/frame around the trailer, fill it with water, add the salt solution, use a large battery charger, and let the trailer sit in the bath for a few days… better then slaving over a stupid blaster and 80lb sand bags for 2 weeks…