Tips on wife/girlfriend beating?

Your posts just give me an aneurysm every time I read them they’re so overwhelmingly funny.

I don’t know, there are those lady’s at the store giving the cashier nothing but shit. I may hit one of them in the future.

Your posts give me a boner whenever I read them because all i can think of is easter egg shoes…

A+++ reply, would read again. Delivers.

Ill get back on topic. I win. Because one of my ex gf’s has an eating disorder now FTW!

This thread is useless without pics!

or hide a camera in teh bedroom, fuck her like a cheap hooker, and start playing it for your friends 5 minutes before she gets home from work

nothing is more degrading to a woman them walking in on her bf showing his friends his secret porn that she stared in

or you can make her eat all her meals on the floor underneath the kitchen table… while u sit on a chair and watch

If I ever go to Florida I want to punch every old lady in the face that even considers purchasing a computer.

Don, you should really hide your passwords.

or constantly ask her if shes “purged” today, and make comments about how her jeans look extra snug recently

bwahahah … beautiful

I know exactly what you are talking about. mrs. roesnsteinbergowitz

tell your girlfriend to shave her asshole then… please.

You have a boyfreind :gay:]

-5 stars from me, would not read again, would rather commit homicide

sigh no one said it?

Buy an F-bod… then it won’t matter if you leave a bruise

Hmm. I am 100% against hitting women. But if you must do something, find a part of her that she is massivly self concious about and rip her a new one about it, though she will probably hate herself and you and break up.

just call her fat until she becomes anorexic…

anal sex minus lube.

For a woman that’s usually her physical appearance…

still works… to rip someones ass… you just have to shove it in before they can relax their muscles