TNC's First Official Meet Sat April 5th 2008

ok so TNC is having its firts big meet, about 60 ppl singed up (if you include the ppl off board) anyone from son plan on showing?

Ill be there sat.

Yea, i should be there…

I was gunna go, then got invited to the track.


Your outta control.

nice title , “first official meet”

not of this club, sorrry. you forgot to put TNC in the title

here i’ll add it for you

lol thanx spd-dmn shawn is abit slow. but anyone is welcome to come its at yorkdale mall sat april 5th. We have permission and all. 8pm infront of the rain forest cafe far back facing the cafe. by the 401 entrance.

well thats copy and paste for yeah!

fuck off rick. lol

I’m a cominz. Bringing a big brown man too.

sounds good man we have over 60+ cars going should be a sick meet.

Police nor security will be an issue ive delt with that already. so dont worry people.

very good show up first time at TNC meet ,but police and security showed up later in the night , shit hapens

lol shit doesn’t just happen stupid people make it happen

clearly you have never got pwned, Shit does happen. Last night however some guys did some rather stupid shit and got everyone in trouble.

so who was the dumbshit in the 300zx that ended up getting a shit load of people busted?

some young’un from 24k racing, he got fucked afterwards by tickets and policeman or 2 so… he got what was cming.

thats exactly what i said some fag made this shit happen

it was a brown dude…gives US (speaking on behalf of my fellow brownies) a bad name…as for team 24K isnt that all an VTEC club?

p.s forgot to mention…centennial college has a bunch of them there…#1 that caught my eye is a red S13 w/ a grooved heart on the hood…as big as the hood …and also on the lights are grooved in hearts…take my CAM to school tommrow and find the car n get some pics in!



sounds like a TNC meet…