TNC Meet season opener! June 18th

Ok people here it is! It has been a while since we had a big meet and its the start of the year and the weather is starting to be good again, so lets start some TNC Meets up!!!

This is the Deal!

Our first Annual meet will be at Kennedy Commons, Why? because most of you know where it is! If we get to many people we will just move it right next door in the STAPLES Parking lot so dont worry!.

Ok guys here is the info you’ll need…

Date: Thursday June 18th

Time: starts at 8:30pm … End time? Whenever everyone leaves

Location: Kennedy Commons off of the 401.

If you are going to come, put your name in the roll call list, so we know who is comming and we can plan more meets and you’ll know about them. This is a great chance to put faces to those names on TNC, come out meet everyone and have some fun shooting the shit with one another!!.if you dont have a nissan who cares just come out bring your ride or your beater!! its al the same.


So copy and paste this:

Roll Call:

  1. Ez-Drift

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sorry… but have to post my comment

TNC meet advertised on son240sx…
and only person so far going is in a mazda. LOL

ill show mayb…

TNC hasn’t been on the radar for many people for a long time recently, especially 240 drivers…good luck on the meet tho.

lol wow…id be down if other people showed

TNC and SON are managed by the same people :wink:

As such TNC events are a welcomed promotion on SON.

Tough for me to commit to attend at the moment, but if at all possible i will.

Indeed TNC hasen’t been on the radar for some time now. but we are hoping to get it back up, and start getting things organized again, Starting small, with some meets and eventually some events going for this year… Thursday if you can make it come down, its something to do and you can meet some people from SON and TNC, TNC is now run by SON240sx like Bing said. I know a few people that will be going that are not on the forums but will be going to get out. Post your name if your coming and we will see you there.


  1. Ez-Drift
  2. Mike-240sx

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  1. Ez-Drift
  2. Mike-240sx
  3. RED_LINE - Gurpreet (maybe)

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ill prob stop by w/ some 350z/s14 guys.

Hahahaha, I wanna try and get a reunion going.

Not without me it ain’t happening :stuck_out_tongue:

come on boys get the list poppin… lets get this meet started

I did enough for TNC. Some people remember the huge meet I organized at Kennedy Commons, that was fun. Dan was being jewish with pizza, Pete chased and so fourth what a fun night.

sorry couldnt show… exam tmrw. mad study sess.

huh and never knew they were managed by the same ppl…

so how was it?